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Hello Friends, i am facing problem with the following error:
"The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. The statement has been terminated." the code as below...

cmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [Inq_Details]  ([Region] ,[Inq_No],[Inq_Date],[Lvl]  ,[City] ,[Source_of_Inquiry] ,[Model] ,[Type] ,[Cap_T]" _
                  & ",[Color],[Material] ,[Machines_in_This_Inq] ,[Customer_Name],[New_Repeat] ,[Sales_Turnover] ,[Location]" _
              & ",[Single_Loc_Or_Multiple] ,[Contact_Person] ,[Contact_Person_Phone] ,[Contact_Person_Email] ,[Company_Management]" _
              & ",[Customers_Customer],[Own_Product_Jobwork] ,[Product_To_Moulded]   ,[Application_Segment] ,[App_segment_Ref]" _
              & ",[Customer_Segment] ,[Total_Machines_Installed] ,[Total_Machines_by_WML] ,[Last_purchase_from_WML],[Last_pur_from_others]" _
              & ",[Other_Machines_used] ,[PD_L_mm] ,[PD_B_mm] ,[PD_H_mm] ,[Product_Shot_Weights],[Material_Type],[Material_Grade]" _
             & " ,[Output_Expected] ,[Injection_Pressure_Bar],[MD_L_mm],[MD_B_mm],[MD_H_mm],[Mould_Weight],[Mould_type]" _
              & ",[Ejection_Type] ,[Tonnage_Reqt],[Factory] ,[Factory_Availability_Date],[Space],[Space_Availability_Date]" _
              & ",[Power] ,[Power_Availability_Date]  ,[Mould],[Mould_Availability_Date],[Expected_Delivery_Date],[Machine_Financed]" _
             & " ,[Delivery_Location] ,[Competitors_with_whom_customer_interacting] ,[Inquiry_Evaluation_Date],[Quotation_Submission_Date]" _
              & ",[First_Negotiation_Date],[Second_Negotiation_Date],[Final_Negotiation_Date],[PO_Collection_Date],[Reason]" _
              & ",[Competitor] ,[Price] ,[Specification],[Other_Reason],[Login_ID],[Modify_Date]) VALUES" _
              & " ('" & lblRegion.Text.ToUpper & "'," & lblInqNo.Text & ",'" & Format(CDate(lblDate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "','" & lblLevel.Text.ToUpper & "','" & txtCity.Text.ToUpper & "','" & ddlSourceOfInquiry.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & ddlModel.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & ddlType.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & ddlCap.SelectedItem.Text & "," _
             & "'" & ddlColor.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & ddlMaterial.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & txtMCInThisINQ.Text & ",'" & txtCustName.Text.ToUpper.Trim & "','" & ddlNewRepeat.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & txtSalesTurnOver.Text & ",'" & txtLocation.Text.ToUpper & "'," _
             & "'" & ddlSnglMulLoc.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & txtContPRSN.Text.ToUpper.Trim & "'," & txtConPRSNPhone.Text & ",'" & txtConPRSNEmail.Text.ToUpper & "','" & ddlCompMgt.SelectedItem.Text & "'," _
             & "'" & txtCustCust.Text.ToUpper.Trim & "','" & ddlOwnJObWork.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & txtProdToBeMoulded.Text.ToUpper & "','" & ddlAppSegment.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & txtAppSegRefCustDTL.Text.ToUpper & "'," _
             & "'" & ddlCustSegment.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & txtTotMCInstalled.Text & "," & txtTotalMCByWML.Text & "," & txtLastPurFrmWML.Text & "," & txtLastPurFrmOther.Text & " ," _
             & "'" & txtOtherMCUsed.Text.ToUpper & "'," & txtPRDTL.Text & "," & txtPRDTB.Text & "," & txtPRDTH.Text & "," & txtPRDTShotWeight.Text & ",'" & txtPRDTMatType.Text.ToUpper & "','" & txtPRDTMatGrd.Text.ToUpper & "'," _
             & "'" & txtPRDTOPExpected.Text & "'," & txtPRDTInjPressure.Text & "," & txtMOUL.Text & "," & txtMOUB.Text & "," & txtMOUH.Text & "," & txtMOUWeight.Text & ",'" & ddlMOUType.SelectedItem.Text & "', " _
             & "'" & txtMOUEjectionTyep.Text.ToUpper & "'," & txtMOUTonnageREQT.Text & ",'" & ddlFactory.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & Format(txtFacotyADate.Text & "','" & ddlSpace.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & Format(CDate(txtSpaceADate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "'," _
             & "'" & ddlPower.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & Format(CDate(txtPowerADate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "','" & ddlMouldAvailability.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & Format(CDate(txtMouldADate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "','" & Format(CDate(txtORDRExpDelDate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "','" & txtORDRMCFinancedSource.Text & "'," _
             & "'" & txtORDRDelLocation.Text.ToUpper.Trim & "','" & txtCustInteracting.Text.ToUpper & "','" & Format(CDate(txtInqEvalDate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "', '" & Format(CDate(txtQuotSubDate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "'," _
             & "'" & Format(CDate(txtFirstNEgoDate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "','" & Format(CDate(txtSecNegoDate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "','" & Format(CDate(txtFinalNegoDate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "', '" & Format(CDate(txtPOColleDate.Text.Trim), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "','" & ddlReason.SelectedItem.Text & "'," _
             & "'" & txtCompititor.Text & "'," & txtPrice.Text & ",'" & txtSpecification.Text.ToUpper & "','" & txtOtherReason.Text.ToUpper & "','" & Session("UserName").ToString.ToUpper & "','" & Format(CDate(Now), "MM/dd/yyyy") & "')"), con.con)
Updated 24-Jul-12 1:37am
_Amy 24-Jul-12 7:31am    
Where is the code? Without viewing how we can find the solution of the error?
Rockstar_ 24-Jul-12 7:33am    
i think u r trying to insert or update the date type with the char type. plz insert or update with the proper data.

cmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [Inq_Details]  ([Region] ,[Inq_No],[Inq_Date],[Lvl]  ,[City] ,[Source_of_Inquiry] ,[Model] ,[Type] ,[Cap_T]" _
                            & ",[Color],[Material] ,[Machines_in_This_Inq] ,[Customer_Name],[New_Repeat] ,[Sales_Turnover] ,[Location]" _
                        & ",[Single_Loc_Or_Multiple] ,[Contact_Person] ,[Contact_Person_Phone] ,[Contact_Person_Email] ,[Company_Management]" _
                        & ",[Customers_Customer],[Own_Product_Jobwork] ,[Product_To_Moulded]   ,[Application_Segment] ,[App_segment_Ref]" _
                        & ",[Customer_Segment] ,[Total_Machines_Installed] ,[Total_Machines_by_WML] ,[Last_purchase_from_WML],[Last_pur_from_others]" _
                        & ",[Other_Machines_used] ,[PD_L_mm] ,[PD_B_mm] ,[PD_H_mm] ,[Product_Shot_Weights],[Material_Type],[Material_Grade]" _
                       & " ,[Output_Expected] ,[Injection_Pressure_Bar],[MD_L_mm],[MD_B_mm],[MD_H_mm],[Mould_Weight],[Mould_type]" _
                        & ",[Ejection_Type] ,[Tonnage_Reqt],[Factory] ,[Factory_Availability_Date],[Space],[Space_Availability_Date]" _
                        & ",[Power] ,[Power_Availability_Date]  ,[Mould],[Mould_Availability_Date],[Expected_Delivery_Date],[Machine_Financed]" _
                       & " ,[Delivery_Location] ,[Competitors_with_whom_customer_interacting] ,[Inquiry_Evaluation_Date],[Quotation_Submission_Date]" _
                        & ",[First_Negotiation_Date],[Second_Negotiation_Date],[Final_Negotiation_Date],[PO_Collection_Date],[Reason]" _
                        & ",[Competitor] ,[Price] ,[Specification],[Other_Reason],[Login_ID],[Modify_Date]) VALUES" _
                        & " ('" & lblRegion.Text.ToUpper & "'," & lblInqNo.Text & ",'" & Format(CType(lblDate.Text.Trim, Date), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") & "','" & lblLevel.Text.ToUpper & "','" & txtCity.Text.ToUpper & "','" & ddlSourceOfInquiry.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & ddlModel.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & ddlType.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & ddlCap.SelectedItem.Text & "," _
                       & "'" & ddlColor.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & ddlMaterial.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & txtMCInThisINQ.Text & ",'" & txtCustName.Text.ToUpper.Trim & "','" & ddlNewRepeat.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & txtSalesTurnOver.Text & ",'" & txtLocation.Text.ToUpper & "'," _
                       & "'" & ddlSnglMulLoc.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & txtContPRSN.Text.ToUpper.Trim & "'," & txtConPRSNPhone.Text & ",'" & txtConPRSNEmail.Text.ToUpper & "','" & ddlCompMgt.SelectedItem.Text & "'," _
                       & "'" & txtCustCust.Text.ToUpper.Trim & "','" & ddlOwnJObWork.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & txtProdToBeMoulded.Text.ToUpper & "','" & ddlAppSegment.SelectedItem.Text & "','" & txtAppSegRefCustDTL.Text.ToUpper & "'," _
                       & "'" & ddlCustSegment.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & txtTotMCInstalled.Text & "," & txtTotalMCByWML.Text & "," & txtLastPurFrmWML.Text & "," & txtLastPurFrmOther.Text & " ," _
                       & "'" & txtOtherMCUsed.Text.ToUpper & "'," & txtPRDTL.Text & "," & txtPRDTB.Text & "," & txtPRDTH.Text & "," & txtPRDTShotWeight.Text & ",'" & txtPRDTMatType.Text.ToUpper & "','" & txtPRDTMatGrd.Text.ToUpper & "'," _
                       & "'" & txtPRDTOPExpected.Text & "'," & txtPRDTInjPressure.Text & "," & txtMOUL.Text & "," & txtMOUB.Text & "," & txtMOUH.Text & "," & txtMOUWeight.Text & ",'" & ddlMOUType.SelectedItem.Text & "', " _
                       & "'" & txtMOUEjectionTyep.Text.ToUpper & "'," & txtMOUTonnageREQT.Text & ",'" & ddlFactory.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & STR1 & ",'" & ddlSpace.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & str2 & "," _
                       & "'" & ddlPower.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & STR3 & ",'" & ddlMouldAvailability.SelectedItem.Text & "'," & STR4 & "," & STR5 & ",'" & txtORDRMCFinancedSource.Text & "'," _
                       & "'" & txtORDRDelLocation.Text.ToUpper.Trim & "','" & txtCustInteracting.Text.ToUpper & "'," & STR6 & ", " & STR10 & "," _
                       & "" & STR7 & "," & STR8 & "," & STR9 & "," & STR & ",'" & ddlReason.SelectedItem.Text & "'," _
                       & "'" & txtCompititor.Text & "'," & txtPrice.Text & ",'" & txtSpecification.Text.ToUpper & "','" & txtOtherReason.Text.ToUpper & "','" & Session("UserName").ToString.ToUpper & "','" & Format(CType(Now, Date), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") & "')", con.con)
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Look at the data you are passing in: it contains a date in string format (which is a bad idea to start with) which SQL cannot convert to a valid DateTime value. I would recommend that you convert the string to a DateTime value and pass that to SQL via a parametrised query.
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