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I used to be a programmer (VB, VB .Net, VBA, Access) and DBA (SQL Server) I haven't programmed in many years and now I am trying to convert some old code from an Excel VBA function to VB .NET and it is driving me batshit crazy.

This is the line:
Y = Year(ThisDate) + CDbl(ThisDate - DateSerial(Year(ThisDate), 1, 1)) / 365.25

This is the same code (simplified) written in an Excel VBA Procedure.

Dim y
Dim mydate As Date
Dim Thisdate As Date
Dim getdate As Date
Dim Tempdate
Dim mydateserial As Date
Thisdate = #7/8/2021#
mydateserial = DateSerial(Year(Thisdate), 1, 1)
getdate = Thisdate - mydateserial 'THIS in Excel VBA RETURNS 7/6/1900
getdate = CDbl(getdate)           'which is converted to a doule
Tempdate = getdate / 365.25       'Which is divided by 365.25 and returns

y = Year(Thisdate) + Tempdate
MsgBox (y)

which for #7/8/2021# returns: 2021.52019164956

When I try the same thing in VB .Net, it has to be a a TimeSpan, which I can't convert to a double to divide by the 365.25

What I have tried:

I've tried just about everything. I re-written this at least 50 different ways.

I referenced several of my .net books, looked online and am truly frustrated. I used to do crap like this in my sleep and now I am at a loss. What am I missing?

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Updated 8-Apr-21 9:51am
Richard MacCutchan 8-Apr-21 11:37am    
It is not clear what you are actually trying to do. In VB.NET the DateTime and TimeSpan classes should be all you need.
Maciej Los 8-Apr-21 13:24pm    
Oh, yeah!
Please, see my answer ;)
Shadar4263 8-Apr-21 12:40pm    
I want to re-write that one line of code that will give me the same answer in VB .Net that I got in Excel VBA for a specific date.

Maybe if someone could explain why this line:

getdate = Thisdate - mydateserial

sets getdate to 7/6/1900 when the thisdate equals 7/8/2021 and mydateserial equals 1/1/2021 in Excel VBA.
Maciej Los 8-Apr-21 13:06pm    
7/8/2021 is not ISO date format! Does it mean: 7 August or 8 July?

For those that are interested.... this is what I am working on. It is for moonphases, moonrise, moonset, etc. This is only part of it. It was originally written by Michael Friedrich for excel, and I am adapting it for .net.

Option Explicit On
Imports System.Math
Module MoonPhases
    Public Enum MoonPhases
        NewMoon = 0    'New Moon
        WaxingMoon = 1 'Waxing Moon
        FullMoon = 2   'Full Moon
        WaningMoon = 3 'Waning Moon
    End Enum

    Sub Example_MoonPhase()

        Const TimeZone = 1 'means GMT+1
        'Calculate the moon phases around today
        Debug.Print(MoonPhase(Now, MoonPhases.NewMoon, TimeZone))
        Debug.Print(MoonPhase(Now, MoonPhases.WaxingMoon, TimeZone))
        Debug.Print(MoonPhase(Now, MoonPhases.FullMoon, TimeZone))
        Debug.Print(MoonPhase(Now, MoonPhases.WaningMoon, TimeZone))
    End Sub

    Function MoonPhase(ByVal ThisDate As Date, ByVal Phase As MoonPhases, Optional ByVal TimeZone As Integer = 0) As Date
        'From a code by Michael Friedrich

        Dim T, JDE, E, M, MS, F, Omega
        Dim A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14
        Dim PT, W, PK
        Dim K, Y

        'Original line of code I am trying to rework so it will function
        'Y = Year(ThisDate) + CDbl(ThisDate - DateSerial(Year(ThisDate), 1, 1)) / 365.25
        Dim JanuaryFirst As DateTime = New DateTime(ThisDate.Year, 1, 1)
        Dim tdiff As TimeSpan = ThisDate - JanuaryFirst
        Dim ddiff As Double = tdiff.TotalDays / 365.25 '188 / 365.25
        Dim resultDate As DateTime = JanuaryFirst.AddDays(ddiff)
        Dim strDDiff As String = ddiff.ToString
        Dim intIdx As Int16
        intIdx = strDDiff.IndexOf(".")
        strDDiff = strDDiff.Substring(intIdx, strDDiff.Length - 1)
        Y = ThisDate.Year.ToString & strDDiff

        K = Int((Y - 2000) * 12.3685)
        K = K + Phase * 0.25

        T = K / 1236.85
        JDE = 2451550.09765 + 29.530588853 * K + 0.0001337 * T ^ 2 - 0.00000015 * T ^ 3 + 0.00000000073 * T ^ 4
        E = 1 - 0.002516 * T - 0.0000074 * T ^ 2
        M = 2.5534 + 29.10535669 * K - 0.0000218 * T ^ 2 - 0.00000011 * T ^ 3
        MS = 201.5643 + 385.81693528 * K + 0.0107438 * T ^ 2 + 0.00001239 * T ^ 3 - 0.000000058 * T ^ 4
        F = 160.7108 + 390.67050274 * K - 0.0016341 * T ^ 2 - 0.00000227 * T ^ 3 + 0.000000011 * T ^ 4
        Omega = 124.7746 - 1.5637558 * K + 0.0020691 * T ^ 2 + 0.00000215 * T ^ 3

        'Planet Arguments

        A1 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(299.77 + 0.107408 * K - 0.009173 * T ^ 2))
        A2 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(251.88 + 0.016321 * K))
        A3 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(251.83 + 26.651886 * K))
        A4 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(349.42 + 36.412478 * K))
        A5 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(84.66 + 18.206239 * K))
        A6 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(141.74 + 53.303771 * K))
        A7 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(207.14 + 2.453732 * K))
        A8 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(154.84 + 7.30686 * K))
        A9 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(34.52 + 27.261239 * K))
        A10 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(207.19 + 0.121824 * K))
        A11 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(291.34 + 1.844379 * K))
        A12 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(161.72 + 24.198154 * K))
        A13 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(239.56 + 25.513099 * K))
        A14 = ARCMASS(ANGULARREDUCTION(331.55 + 3.592518 * K))

        'Periodic Terms New Moon
        If Phase = 0 Then
            PT = -0.4072 * Sin(MS) + 0.17241 * E * Sin(M) + 0.01608 * Sin(2 * MS) _
              + 0.01039 * Sin(2 * F) + 0.00739 * E * Sin(MS - M) - 0.00514 * E * Sin(MS + M) _
              + 0.00208 * E ^ 2 * Sin(2 * M) - 0.00111 * Sin(MS - 2 * F) - 0.00057 * Sin(MS + 2 * F) _
              + 0.00056 * E * Sin(2 * MS + M) - 0.00042 * Sin(3 * MS) + 0.00042 * E * Sin(M + 2 * F) _
              + 0.00038 * E * Sin(M - 2 * F) - 0.00024 * E * Sin(2 * MS - M) _
              - 0.00017 * Sin(Omega) - 0.00007 * Sin(MS + 2 * M) + 0.00004 * Sin(2 * MS - 2 * F) _
              + 0.00004 * Sin(3 * M) + 0.00003 * Sin(MS + M - 2 * F) + 0.00003 * Sin(2 * MS + 2 * F) _
              - 0.00003 * Sin(MS + M + 2 * F) + 0.00003 * Sin(MS - M + 2 * F) - 0.00002 * Sin(MS - M - 2 * F) _
              - 0.00002 * Sin(3 * MS + M) + 0.00002 * Sin(4 * MS)
        End If

        'Periodic Terms New Moon
        If Phase = 2 Then
            PT = -0.40614 * Sin(MS) + 0.17302 * E * Sin(M) + 0.01614 * Sin(2 * MS) _
              + 0.01043 * Sin(2 * F) + 0.00734 * E * Sin(MS - M) - 0.00515 * E * Sin(MS + M) _
              + 0.00209 * E ^ 2 * Sin(2 * M) - 0.00111 * Sin(MS - 2 * F) - 0.00057 * Sin(MS + 2 * F) _
              + 0.00056 * E * Sin(2 * MS + M) - 0.00042 * Sin(3 * MS) + 0.00042 * E * Sin(M + 2 * F) _
              + 0.00038 * E * Sin(M - 2 * F) - 0.00024 * E * Sin(2 * MS - M) _
              - 0.00017 * Sin(Omega) - 0.00007 * Sin(MS + 2 * M) + 0.00004 * Sin(2 * MS - 2 * F) _
              + 0.00004 * Sin(3 * M) + 0.00003 * Sin(MS + M - 2 * F) + 0.00003 * Sin(2 * MS + 2 * F) _
              - 0.00003 * Sin(MS + M + 2 * F) + 0.00003 * Sin(MS - M + 2 * F) - 0.00002 * Sin(MS - M - 2 * F) _
              - 0.00002 * Sin(3 * MS + M) + 0.00002 * Sin(4 * MS)
        End If

        'Periodic terms first and last phase
        If Phase = 1 Or Phase = 3 Then
            PT = -0.62801 * Sin(MS) + 0.17172 * E * Sin(M) - 0.01183 * E * Sin(MS + M) _
              + 0.00862 * Sin(2 * MS) + 0.00804 * Sin(2 * F) + 0.00454 * E * Sin(MS - M) _
              + 0.00204 * E ^ 2 * Sin(2 * M) - 0.0018 * Sin(MS - 2 * F) - 0.0007 * Sin(MS + 2 * F) _
              - 0.0004 * Sin(3 * MS) - 0.00034 * E * Sin(2 * MS - M) + 0.00032 * E * Sin(M + 2 * F) _
              + 0.00032 * E * Sin(M - 2 * F) - 0.00028 * E ^ 2 * Sin(MS + 2 * M) + 0.00027 * E * Sin(2 * MS + M) _
              - 0.00017 * Sin(Omega) - 0.00005 * Sin(MS - M - 2 * F) + 0.00004 * Sin(2 * MS + 2 * F) _
              - 0.00004 * Sin(MS + M + 2 * F) + 0.00004 * Sin(MS - 2 * M) + 0.00003 * Sin(MS + M - 2 * F) _
              + 0.00003 * Sin(3 * M) + 0.00002 * Sin(2 * MS - 2 * F) + 0.00002 * Sin(MS - M + 2 * F) _
              - 0.00002 * Sin(3 * MS + M)
            W = 0.00306 - 0.00038 * E * Cos(M) + 0.00026 * Cos(MS) _
              - 0.00002 * Cos(MS - M) + 0.00002 * Cos(MS + M) + 0.00002 * Cos(2 * F)
            If Phase = 3 Then W = -W
        End If

        PK = 0.000325 * Sin(A1) + 0.000165 * Sin(A2) + 0.000164 * Sin(A3) _
          + 0.000126 * Sin(A4) + 0.00011 * Sin(A5) + 0.000062 * Sin(A6) _
          + 0.00006 * Sin(A7) + 0.000056 * Sin(A8) + 0.000047 * Sin(A9) _
          + 0.000042 * Sin(A10) + 0.00004 * Sin(A11) + 0.000037 * Sin(A12) _
          + 0.000035 * Sin(A13) + 0.000023 * Sin(A14)

        MoonPhase = CALENDARDATE(JDE + PK + PT + W + (TimeZone / 24) - DELTAT(Year(ThisDate)) / 86400)
    End Function

    Private Function CALENDARDATE(JD) As Date
        Dim Z, F, Alpha, A, B, C, D, E, M, Y, H, Mi, S
        JD = JD + 0.5
        Z = Int(JD)
        F = JD - Z
        If Z >= 2299161 Then
            Alpha = Int((Z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25)
            A = Z + 1 + Alpha - Int(Alpha / 4)
            A = Z
        End If
        B = A + 1524
        C = Int((B - 122.1) / 365.25)
        D = Int(365.25 * C)
        E = Int((B - D) / 30.6001)
        D = B - D - Int(30.6001 * E) + F
        If E < 14 Then
            M = E - 1
            M = E - 13
        End If
        If M > 2 Then
            Y = C - 4716
            Y = C - 4715
        End If
        H = D - Int(D)
        H = H * 24
        Mi = H - Int(H)
        Mi = Mi * 60
        S = Mi - Int(Mi)
        S = S * 60
        H = Int(H)
        Mi = Int(Mi)
        CALENDARDATE = DateSerial(Y, M, Int(D)) + " " + TimeSerial(H, Mi, S)
    End Function
    Private Function DELTAT(Y)
        Dim T, Tage
        T = (Y - 2000) / 100
        If Y < 948 Then DELTAT = 2715.6 + 573.36 * T + 46.5 * T ^ 2
        If Y >= 948 And Y <= 1600 Then DELTAT = 50.6 + 67.5 * T + 22.5 * T ^ 2
        If Y >= 1800 And Y < 1900 Then
            T = (Y - 1900) / 100
            Tage = -0.000009 + 0.003844 * T + 0.083563 * T ^ 2 + 0.865736 * T ^ 3 _
              + 4.867575 * T ^ 4 + 15.845535 * T ^ 5 + 31.332267 * T ^ 6 _
              + 38.291999 * T ^ 7 + 28.316289 * T ^ 8 + 11.636204 * T ^ 9 _
              + 2.043794 * T ^ 10
            DELTAT = Tage * 86400
        End If
        If Y >= 1900 And Y < 1988 Then
            T = (Y - 1900) / 100
            Tage = -0.00002 + 0.000297 * T + 0.025184 * T ^ 2 - 0.181133 * T ^ 3 _
              + 0.55304 * T ^ 4 - 0.861938 * T ^ 5 + 0.677066 * T ^ 6 _
              - 0.212591 * T ^ 7
            DELTAT = Tage * 86400
        End If
        If Y >= 1988 And Y < 2051 Then
            DELTAT = (Y - 1990) * 6.6 / 9 + 56.86
        End If
    End Function
    Private Function ARCMASS(Angles)
        ARCMASS = Angles * Atan(1) * 4 / 180
    End Function
    Private Function ANGULARREDUCTION(Angles)
        ANGULARREDUCTION = Angles - Int(Angles / 360) * 360
    End Function

    Private Function JulianDate(ByVal d As Integer, ByVal m As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Integer
        Dim mm, yy As Integer
        Dim k1, k2, k3 As Integer
        Dim julian As Integer

        yy = y - Math.Floor((12 - m) / 10)
        mm = m + 9
        If (mm >= 12) Then
            mm = mm - 12
        End If
        k1 = Math.Floor(365.25 * (yy + 4712))
        k2 = Math.Floor(30.6001 * mm + 0.5)
        k3 = Math.Floor(Math.Floor((yy / 100) + 49) * 0.75) - 38
        ' "j" for dates in Julian calendar:
        julian = k1 + k2 + d + 59
        If (julian > 2299160) Then
            ' For Gregorian calendar:
            julian = julian - k3  ' "j" is the Julian date at 12h UT (Universal Time)
        End If
        Return julian
    End Function
End Module
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Maciej Los 9-Apr-21 2:40am    
This is bad idea to use undefined variables due to tons of reason!

Another problem is here:
Dim strDDiff As String = ddiff.ToString
Dim intIdx As Int16
intIdx = strDDiff.IndexOf(".") '<= decimal separator depends on localization!!!
strDDiff = strDDiff.Substring(intIdx, strDDiff.Length - 1)
Y = ThisDate.Year.ToString & strDDiff

If your value is less than sepcific value, then you can multiply it by 10, 100, 1000, etc.
Finally, you should use ToString() function:
restultString = ThisDate.Year.ToString() &  ddiff.ToString("SpecificFormatHere")

Localization | Microsoft Docs[^]
Standard numeric format strings | Microsoft Docs[^]
Custom numeric format strings | Microsoft Docs[^]
I'm not sure what you want to achieve, but...

You should use proper .NET data types and functions. See:

Dim Thisdate As DateTime = New DateTime(2021, 7, 8)
Dim JanuaryFirst  As DateTime = New DateTime(Thisdate.Year, 1, 1)
Dim tdiff As TimeSpan  = Thisdate - JanuaryFirst
Dim ddiff As Integer =  tdiff.TotalDays / 365.25 '188 / 365.25
Dim resultDate As DateTime = JanuaryFirst.AddDays(ddiff)
Console.WriteLine(resultDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) 'displays: 2021-01-02

DateTime Struct (System) | Microsoft Docs[^]
TimeSpan Struct (System) | Microsoft Docs[^]
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Shadar4263 8-Apr-21 15:43pm    
Maciej Los,
THANK YOU. I had slapped together the above "simplified code"to test and wasn't even paying attention to "formalities".
Your code wasn't the final solution but it did get me to thinking and I figured out that the double was returning in #.### format and I needed to get rid of the beginning zero to get it to go into the subroutine properly.

Final solution:
 'Original line of code I am trying to rework so it will function
        'Y = Year(ThisDate) + CDbl(ThisDate - DateSerial(Year(ThisDate), 1, 1)) / 365.25
        Dim JanuaryFirst As DateTime = New DateTime(ThisDate.Year, 1, 1)
        Dim tdiff As TimeSpan = ThisDate - JanuaryFirst
        Dim ddiff As Double = tdiff.TotalDays / 365.25 '188 / 365.25
        Dim resultDate As DateTime = JanuaryFirst.AddDays(ddiff)
        Dim strDDiff As String = ddiff.ToString
        Dim intIdx As Int16
        intIdx = strDDiff.IndexOf(".")
        strDDiff = strDDiff.Substring(intIdx, strDDiff.Length - 1)
        Y = ThisDate.Year.ToString & strDDiff

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