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I have some fields in my database that will need to store images ( bitmap, JPG or PNG ) and PDF ( or Excel/RTF/TXT ) files. Browsing through Internet, I have learned that MS Access 2007 ( and newer versions ) have a field of type Attachment that can suit my needs.

However, I am filling database via GUI ( made in C++ and WinAPI ), using ADO. I was not able to find an example of inserting/loading such data into/from database using ADO. Searching on Stack Overflow and here through some similar questions ( VB, Delphi, Python...) I have found out that my approach might not be the best, but seems possible to do.

Being inexperienced, and since this is my first time tackling this type of task, I ask community to help me solve this task. Therefore my question:

How should I handle inserting/loading this type of data ( images, documents...) into/from MS Access 2007 (or higher) database using ADO?

Can you provide small code snippet that illustrates inserting/loading such data into/from database using ADO?

Thank you.
Updated 18-Nov-14 10:36am

I just did this in a project myself. What I had to do was Create the DB field as an "OLE Object" (field type). To read/write the field I used a SafeArray packed in a COleVariant (vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1).

Heres some example code:

// ADO - 2.7 comes with WinXP
#import "msado27.tlb" no_namespace \
	rename("EOF", "EndOfFile") \
	rename("Connection", "ADOConnection") \
	rename("Recordset", "ADORecordset")

CString g_cstrDBCon	= _T("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=Test.mdb;Uid=;Pwd=;");

#define __DBCLOSE(AdoObj) { \
	if(AdoObj) { \
		if(AdoObj->State == adStateOpen) \
			AdoObj->Close(); \
		AdoObj.Release(); \
		AdoObj = NULL; \
	} \

BOOL Load()
	BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
	COleVariant cvFieldVal;
	CString cstrSQL = _T("");
	CString cstrDBError = _T("");
	_ConnectionPtr pCn = NULL;
	_RecordsetPtr pRs = NULL;

		// Create database objects 
		if(FAILED(hr = pCn.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADOConnection))))
		if(FAILED(hr = pRs.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADORecordset))))
		// Open connection
		if(FAILED(pCn->Open(_bstr_t(g_cstrDBCon), "", "", adConnectUnspecified)))
		// Open and read table
		pRs->Open(_bstr_t(L"TableName"), _variant_t((IDispatch*)pCn, true),
			adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic, adCmdTable);
			// Get [ID] (long value example)
			cvFieldVal = pRs->Fields->GetItem(_bstr_t(L"ID"))->GetValue();
			long lID = cvFieldVal.lVal;
			// Get [Name] (string value example)
			cvFieldVal = pRs->Fields->GetItem(_bstr_t(L"Name"))->GetValue();
			CString cstrName = cvFieldVal.bstrVal;
			// Get [BinaryValue]
			cvFieldVal = pRs->Fields->GetItem(_bstr_t(L"BinaryValue"))->GetActualSize();
			long lActSize = cvFieldVal.lVal; // Get binary data size
			cvFieldVal = pRs->Fields->GetItem(_bstr_t(L"BinaryValue"))->GetChunk(pNewProp->m_lDefValLen);
			if(cvFieldVal.vt == (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1))
				BYTE* pBinaryData = new BYTE[lActSize];
				char* pBuf = NULL;
				SafeArrayAccessData(cvFieldVal.parray, (void**)&pBuf);
				memcpy(pBinaryData, pBuf, lActSize);
				// Do something with data ... 

				delete [] pBinaryData;

			// Next record
		bRetVal = TRUE;
	catch(_com_error& e) 
		if((pCn) && (pCn->Errors->Count > 0)) 
			ErrorPtr pErr = pCn->Errors->GetItem(0); 
			cstrDBError.Format(L"Error %x: %s", pErr->Number, (LPWSTR)pErr->Description); 
			cstrDBError.Format(L"Error %x: %s", e.Error(), (LPWSTR)e.Description()); 
		cstrDBError = L"Unknown Error"; 

		MessageBox(cstrDBError, _T("DB Error"), MB_ICONERROR);

	return bRetVal;

BOOL Save()
	BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
	COleVariant cvFieldVal;
	CString cstrSQL = _T("");
	CString cstrFilter = _T("");
	CString cstrDBError = _T("");
	_ConnectionPtr pCn = NULL;
	_RecordsetPtr pRs = NULL;

		// Create database objects 
		if(FAILED(hr = pCn.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADOConnection))))
		if(FAILED(hr = pRs.CreateInstance(__uuidof(ADORecordset))))
		// Open connection
		if(FAILED(pCn->Open(_bstr_t(g_cstrDBCon), "", "", adConnectUnspecified)))

		long lRecordID = 1;

		// Position recordset
		cstrFilter.Format(L"ID=%d", lRecordID);
		pRs->put_Filter(COleVariant(cstrFilter, VT_BSTR));

		// Write [Name] (string value example)
		CString cstrVal = _T("Some Text");
		pRs->Fields->GetItem(_bstr_t(L"Name"))->put_Value(COleVariant(cstrVal, VT_BSTR));
		// Dummy binary value
		long lBinaryValLen = 333;
		BYTE* pValue = new BYTE[lBinaryValLen];
		memset(pValue, 1, lBinaryValLen);

		// Create safearray  
		sab[0].lLbound = 0;	
		sab[0].cElements = lBinaryValLen;
		SAFEARRAY FAR* psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, sab);
		BYTE* pByte;
		if(SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void**)&pByte) == NOERROR)
			memcpy(pByte, pProp->m_pDefValue, pProp->m_lDefValLen);
		VARIANT vArray;
		vArray.vt = VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1;
		vArray.parray = psa;

		// Write [BinaryValue]

		bRetVal = TRUE;
	catch(_com_error& e) 
		if((pCn) && (pCn->Errors->Count > 0)) 
			ErrorPtr pErr = pCn->Errors->GetItem(0); 
			cstrDBError.Format(L"Error %x: %s", pErr->Number, (LPWSTR)pErr->Description); 
			cstrDBError.Format(L"Error %x: %s", e.Error(), (LPWSTR)e.Description()); 
		cstrDBError = _T("Unknown Error"); 

		MessageBox(cstrDBError, _T("DB Error"), MB_ICONERROR);

	return bRetVal;

Good luck
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AlwaysLearningNewStuff 19-Nov-14 11:54am    
Thank you so much! I am in a mess currently as I must design the GUI for the app that uses this code so please give me time ( I have to find a way to place 50+ controls on a single form -> madness, but one can't argue with the boss ). Best regards.
JJMatthews 20-Nov-14 3:24am    
No problem man, glad if I could help. Good luck on your project.
KarstenK 20-Nov-14 13:39pm    
be really carefully in error handling. Give every error an internal value, so you can find the function which fail.

Dont ferget: "Error handling is the art of developing software" ;-)
AlwaysLearningNewStuff 2-Dec-14 0:29am    
I have tried to adapt your code but have failed to succeed. I have never used variants and safe arrays before, so that might be the problem.

I have added the smallest possible code snippet below of what I have tried.

Test database has 1 table test and 2 fields ID, which is primary key, and field which is of OLE Object type.

Please correct my mistakes if that is not much of a trouble for you ( error checking is omitted ) :

wchar_t *bstrConnect = L"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; \
Data Source = C:\\Users\\Smiljkovic85\\Desktop\\OLE.accdb";

HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);

// connection
ADODB::_ConnectionPtr pConn(L"ADODB.Connection");
// recordset
ADODB::_RecordsetPtr pRS(L"ADODB.Recordset");

// connect to DB
hr = pConn->Open(bstrConnect, L"admin", L"", ADODB::adConnectUnspecified);

// open file
std::ifstream in(L"C:\\Users\\Smiljkovic85\\Desktop\\Kings Indian Atack.pdf",
std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary);

// get file size
LONG fileSize = in.tellg();

// here I tried to apply your code
pRS->Open(L"test", _variant_t((IDispatch*)pConn, true),
ADODB::adOpenKeyset, ADODB::adLockOptimistic, ADODB::adCmdTable);
// add new record

_variant_t varChunk;

SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
// modify to our file size
rgsabound[0].cElements = fileSize;
psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, rgsabound);

//=================== tried this as well but no luck...
char *chData = (char *)psa->pvData;
chData = new char[fileSize];, fileSize);

======================== */
char *chData = new char[fileSize];, fileSize);

BYTE* pData;
SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void **)&pData);
memcpy(pData, chData, fileSize);

// Assign the Safe array to a variant.
varChunk.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1;
varChunk.parray = psa;

// add this record into DB

// cleanup
delete[] chData;
catch (_com_error e)
MessageBox(hWnd, (LPWSTR)e.Description(), L"", 0);


I apologize for taking me too long to respond but I really tried to fix this on my own...


I have searched here for help and two posts that gave me an idea. Still none of my solutions work. You can see them in the above code snippet, in the comments.

What I get now, is the following error: a problem occurred while microsoft access was communicating with the ole server or activex control in MS Access. I have searched online for solution but had no luck, every link claims it has to do with access and not with the code.

Best regards.
JJMatthews 2-Dec-14 2:22am    
Hello, that is a new error for me. I looked through your code and it does look fine, I would say that the error is definitely from Access (as you thought).

I did on search on your specific error and saw allot of different information, but this page is what I believe may be happening:
I have had issues with MS Office "security" before. I have also had allot of issues with Norton products.

I came across this article as well and I believe it's worth investigating if the previous solution does not help:

Here is a really good resource, I found it invaluable when learning ADO coding:

What you are trying to do will work and has been done many times before, I will help you in any way that I can. The good thing is that you always learn allot from issues like this.

In your initial post you said that you are running Access 2007 and were planning to use an "Attachment" field type. The biggest difference between what I have done and what you are working on I believe is the Access version and the field type. I am using Access 2003 with "OLE Object" field type for my blobs. I was using Access to design and test my database schema. I am now running Oracle but all I had to do was change the connection string and everything was fine.

If you are still having the problem let me know and I will install Access 2007 and create a test database.

Good luck man
My tip is to save images and files NOT in the database, but in some extra directories on the db-server. Be sure to give unique names, so files arent mismatch or overwritten. And delete the files if the dataset is deleted...

Looks like Microsoft has some good example code.
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