This article explains about searching the grid in a more faster way.
Using the code
This is a jquery function which needs to be called for filtering a grid based on the value of Search textbox. This code filters the grid as you type in the textbox.
This is a much faster way and is accurate. I have minimised the number of loops to improve performance in a greater way.
In the below code snippet, gvGrid is the grid which needs to be filtered and txtSearch is the Search textbox where text is entered.
function SearchGrid(){
var strSearch = $('#<%=txtSearch.ClientID%>').val();
$("#<%=gvGrid.ClientID%> tr:has(td)").hide();
//if nothing is entered then show all the rows.
if(strSearch.length == 0)
$("#<%=gvGrid.ClientID%> tr:has(td)").show();
return false;
//Iterate through all the td.
$("#<%=gvGrid.ClientID%> tr:has(td)").children().each(function()
var cellText = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
//Check if data matches
if(cellText.indexOf(strSearch.toLowerCase()) >= 0)
return true;
Points of Interest
By reducing the number of loops from the original version of code, performance was improved to a greater extent. My application was giving Long running Script error before implementing this function for filtering.