Eschatological Emanations
In case you want a list of dates (not just one) for a span of time for the Nth DayOfWeek of a Month (such as the first Monday of every month for the next year), you can use this method:
internal static List<datetime> GetDatesForNthDOWOfMonth(int weekNum, DayOfWeek DOW, DateTime beginDate, DateTime endDate)
List<DateTime> datesForNthDOWOfMonth = new List<DateTime>();
DateTime currentDate = beginDate;
int earliest = Math.Min(weekNo * 7 - 6, 29);
int latest = Math.Min(weekNo * 7, 31);
while (currentDate < endDate)
DateTime dateToInc = currentDate;
DateTime endOfMonth = new DateTime(dateToInc.Year, dateToInc.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dateToInc.Year, dateToInc.Month));
bool dateFound = false;
while (!dateFound)
dateFound = dateToInc.DayOfWeek.Equals(DOW);
if (dateFound)
if ((dateToInc.Day >= earliestDayOfMonth) &&
(dateToInc.Day <= latestDayOfMonth))
if (dateToInc.Date.Equals(endOfMonth.Date)) continue;
dateToInc = dateToInc.AddDays(1);
currentDate = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month, 1);
currentDate = currentDate.AddMonths(1);
return datesForNthDOWOfMonth;
...and call it this way:
DateTime beg = DateTime.Now;
DateTime end = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);
List<DateTime> dates = GetDatesForNthDOWOfMonth(1, DayOfWeek.Monday, beg, end);
foreach (DateTime dt in dates)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Found {0}", dt.ToString()));
You could get the 2nd Friday of each month like so:
List<DateTime> dates = GetDatesForNthDOWOfMonth(2, DayOfWeek.Friday, beg, end);