This is my first tip on adding a toast notification to a uwp app.
I'm not a professional programmer and don't intend to be one. Just as a hobby, I program small applications.
I have also created a very simple and very basic demonstration application. You can download the sourcecode.
For work and hobby, I change USB Comm ports a lot. You always hear a sound but never see a message like 'Serial USB device COM5 inserted'. I have created only for my personal use a simple and basic program in C# for UWP. This program listens for USB insertions en checks if it is a serial port. Then when I insert a USB Comm port device I see a toast message with the text "device COM5 inserted". For my very handy.
Using the Code
To display a toast, you need to set up a simple template.
private void displayToastNotification(String caption, String message)
var toastTemplate = "<toast launch=\"app-defined-string\">" +
"<visual>" +
"<binding template =\"ToastGeneric\">" +
"<text>" + caption + "</text>" +
"<text>" + message + "</text>" +
"</binding>" +
"</visual>" +
var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
var toastNotification = new ToastNotification(xmlDocument);
var notification = ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier();
}Colourised in 118ms
When the user clicks the button 'Toast' a toast message appears.
private void btnToasTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
displayToastNotification("Hello world!", "This is my message!");
}Colourised in 6ms
When the user clicks the button 'Close' all toast messages are remove from notification center
private void btnCloseApp_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Colourised in 6ms
When the user closes the application, I want to clear the notifications too. I accomplished this with this simple function.
private void removeToastHistory()
var toastHistory = ToastNotificationManager.History;
}Colourised in 6ms
That's all....
Points of Interest
On the internet, I found a lot of examples how to create a toast notification but not how to neatly remove it when the application closes. I solved it like this.
- No history yet..... I might post my simple USB COMM port watcher application in the future. For now only the very simple and very basic application for the toast only.