In conventional method, if client proxy for a WCF service is required to be
generated at runtime programmatically, an instance of ChannelFactory (generic
type) is created passing the interface type of the service (contract) as
parameter to the generic class. This requires different implementation for
different services for generating client proxy which reduces the generic
This article describes a method to create a factory class which generates
client proxy at runtime from the type of the service contract received as
parameter. This will eliminate separate implementation requirement by using a
single factory class with the help of .NET reflection. |
example, we have the following Service and Service Contract for a WCF
interface IMyService
void DoSomething();
public class MyService : IMyService
public void DoSomething()
Method of Client Proxy Generation at Runtime
generate client proxy in conventional method is to create the
with a prior knowledge of Service contract and this
will require separate implementation for each service in the
public class Test
public void Test()
BasicHttpBinding myBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
EndpointAddress myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/MyService/");
ChannelFactory<imyservice> myChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<imyservice>(myBinding, myEndpoint);
IMyService pClient = myChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
Method of Client Proxy Generation at Runtime
The following
method will eliminate the above deficiency by providing a client
factory class. This will help in generating client proxy in a more
generic way using the single factory:
public class Test
public void Test()
IMyService pClient = (IMyService)ClientFactory.CreateClient(typeof(IMyService));
public abstract class ClientFactory
public static object CreateClient(Type targetType)
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
EndpointAddress addess = new EndpointAddress(GetAddessFromConfig(targetType));
object factory = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof
(ChannelFactory<>).MakeGenericType(targetType), binding, address);
MethodInfo createFactory = factory.GetType().GetMethod("CreateChannel", new Type[] { });
return createFactory.Invoke(factory, null);