- Prefix, Length, and Check Digit Criteria
Here is a table outlining the major credit cards that you might want to validate.
CARD TYPE Prefix Length Check digit algorithm
MASTERCARD 51-55 16 mod 10
VISA 4 13, 16 mod 10
37 15 mod 10
Diners Club/
Carte Blanche 300-305
38 14 mod 10
Discover 6011 16 mod 10
enRoute 2014
2149 15 any
JCB 3 16 mod 10
JCB 2131
1800 15 mod 10
- LUHN Formula (Mod 10) for Validation of Primary Account Number
The following steps are required to validate the primary account number:
Step 1: Double the value of alternate digits of the primary account number beginning with the second digit from the right (the first right--hand digit is the check digit.)
Step 2: Add the individual digits comprising the products obtained in Step 1 to each of the unaffected digits in the original number.
Step 3: The total obtained in Step 2 must be a number ending in zero (30, 40, 50, etc.) for the account number to be validated.
For example, to validate the primary account number 49927398716:
Step 1:
4 9 9 2 7 3 9 8 7 1 6
x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
18 4 6 16 2
Step 2: 4 +(1+8)+ 9 + (4) + 7 + (6) + 9 +(1+6) + 7 + (2) + 6
Step 3: Sum = 70 : Card number is validated
Note: Card is valid because the 70/10 yields no remainder.