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SendKeys using ScanCodes to Citrix

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6 Jan 2012CPOL 46.2K   7   14
A modified version of SendKeys to allow sending of keyboard input to Citrix


You're probably here because you are trying to automate login or some other Citrix process and found that .NET SendKeys does not work with Citrix, or at least the TAB and ENTER keys don't seem to.


I searched high and low as to why I could not send TAB and Enter to Citrix when I found this CodeProject article. According to posts on the net, no application has used ScanCodes for input since 1998 and I guess because of this Microsoft, never put it as an option in SendKeys. Anyways I reflected the MS SendKeys class and added the ability to send ScanCodes. This article has both Make and Break scan codes. Not sure about the difference but it works for Citrix.

Using the code

Add the SendKeysPlus code to your project and then call SendKeysPlus.SendWait like you normally would but tell what ScanCodeMode to use. ScanCodeMode of None will work like normal SendKeys.

' Just like when using the Normal SendKeys 
'the Application Must have focus When Called

Points of interest

I am not certain why Citrix uses ScanCodes other then as a way they can send extended normally non-valid keystrokes to the Citrix server.

Full SendKeys class with Make Break codes

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Threading

''' <summary>Provides methods for sending keystrokes to an application.</summary>
''' <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
Public Class SendKeysPlus

    Private Class ScanCodeValue
        Private _Key As Byte
        Private _MakeCode As Byte
        Private _BreakCode As Byte

        Public Sub New(ByVal Key As Keys, ByVal MakeCode As Integer, ByVal Breakcode As Integer)
            _Key = Key
            _MakeCode = MakeCode
            _BreakCode = Breakcode
        End Sub

        Public ReadOnly Property Key() As Keys
                Return _Key
            End Get
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property MakeCode() As Byte
                Return _MakeCode
            End Get
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property BreakCode() As Byte
                Return _BreakCode
            End Get
        End Property
    End Class

    Private Shared _ScanCodeTable As SortedList(Of Keys, ScanCodeValue)
    Private Shared ReadOnly Property ScanCodeTable() As SortedList(Of Keys, ScanCodeValue)
            If _ScanCodeTable Is Nothing Then
                '_ScanCodeTable.Add(Keys., New ScanCodeValue(Keys., &H, &H))
                _ScanCodeTable = New SortedList(Of Keys, ScanCodeValue)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Menu, &H38, &HB8)
                AddScanCode(Keys.ControlKey, &H1D, &H9D)
                AddScanCode(Keys.ShiftKey, &H2A, &HAA)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Back, &HE, &H8E)
                AddScanCode(Keys.CapsLock, &H3A, &HBA)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Enter, &H1C, &H9C)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Escape, &H1, &H81)
                AddScanCode(Keys.LMenu, &H38, &HB8)
                AddScanCode(Keys.LControlKey, &H1D, &H9D)
                AddScanCode(Keys.LShiftKey, &H2A, &HAA)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumLock, &H45, &HC5)
                AddScanCode(Keys.RShiftKey, &H36, &HB6)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Scroll, &H46, &HC6)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Space, &H39, &HB9)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Attn, &H54, &HD4)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Tab, &HF, &H8F)
                AddScanCode(Keys.A, &H1E, &H9E)
                AddScanCode(Keys.B, &H30, &HB0)
                AddScanCode(Keys.C, &H2E, &HAE)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D, &H20, &HA0)
                AddScanCode(Keys.E, &H12, &H92)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F, &H21, &HA1)
                AddScanCode(Keys.G, &H22, &HA2)
                AddScanCode(Keys.H, &H23, &HA3)
                AddScanCode(Keys.I, &H17, &H97)
                AddScanCode(Keys.J, &H24, &HA4)
                AddScanCode(Keys.K, &H25, &HA5)
                AddScanCode(Keys.L, &H26, &HA6)
                AddScanCode(Keys.M, &H32, &HB2)
                AddScanCode(Keys.N, &H31, &HB1)
                AddScanCode(Keys.O, &H18, &H98)
                AddScanCode(Keys.P, &H19, &H99)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Q, &H10, &H90)
                AddScanCode(Keys.R, &H13, &H93)
                AddScanCode(Keys.S, &H1F, &H9F)
                AddScanCode(Keys.T, &H14, &H94)
                AddScanCode(Keys.U, &H16, &H96)
                AddScanCode(Keys.V, &H2F, &HAF)
                AddScanCode(Keys.W, &H11, &H91)
                AddScanCode(Keys.X, &H2D, &HAD)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Y, &H15, &H95)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Z, &H2C, &HAC)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F1, &H3B, &HBB)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F2, &H3C, &HBC)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F3, &H3D, &HBD)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F4, &H3E, &HBE)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F7, &H41, &HC1)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F5, &H3F, &HBF)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F6, &H40, &HC0)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F8, &H42, &HC2)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F9, &H43, &HC3)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F10, &H44, &HC4)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F11, &H57, &HD7)
                AddScanCode(Keys.F12, &H58, &HD8)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D1, &H2, &H82)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D2, &H3, &H83)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D3, &H4, &H84)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D4, &H5, &H85)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D5, &H6, &H86)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D6, &H7, &H87)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D7, &H8, &H88)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D8, &H9, &H89)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D9, &HA, &H8A)
                AddScanCode(Keys.D0, &HB, &H8B)
                AddScanCode(Keys.OemMinus, &HC, &H8C)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Oemplus, &HD, &H8D)
                AddScanCode(Keys.OemOpenBrackets, &H1A, &H9A)
                AddScanCode(Keys.OemCloseBrackets, &H1B, &H9B)
                AddScanCode(Keys.OemSemicolon, &H27, &HA7)
                AddScanCode(Keys.OemQuotes, &H29, &HA9)
                AddScanCode(Keys.OemPipe, &H2B, &HAB)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Oemcomma, &H33, &HB3)
                AddScanCode(Keys.OemPeriod, &H34, &HB4)
                AddScanCode(Keys.OemQuestion, &H35, &HB5)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad0, &H52, &HD2)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad1, &H4F, &HCF)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad2, &H50, &HD0)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad3, &H51, &HD1)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad4, &H4B, &HCB)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad5, &H4C, &HCC)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad6, &H4D, &HCD)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad7, &H47, &HC7)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad8, &H48, &HC8)
                AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad9, &H49, &HC9)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Decimal, &H53, &HD3)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Multiply, &H37, &HB7)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Subtract, &H4A, &HCA)
                AddScanCode(Keys.Add, &H4E, &HCE)
            End If
            Return _ScanCodeTable
        End Get
    End Property

    Private Shared Sub AddScanCode(ByVal Key As Keys, ByVal Make As Byte, ByVal Break As Byte)
        _ScanCodeTable.Add(Key, New ScanCodeValue(Key, Make, Break))
    End Sub

    ' Methods
    Shared Sub New()
        AddHandler Application.ThreadExit, New EventHandler(AddressOf SendKeysPlus.OnThreadExit)
        SendKeysPlus.messageWindow = New SKWindow
    End Sub

    Private Sub New()
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub AddCancelModifiersForPreviousEvents(ByVal previousEvents As Queue)
        If (Not previousEvents Is Nothing) Then
            Dim flag As Boolean = False
            Dim flag2 As Boolean = False
            Dim flag3 As Boolean = False
            'This Assumes that all of the previousEvents
            'have the same ScanCodeMode which they should
            Dim myScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes = ScanCodeModes.None
            Do While (previousEvents.Count > 0)
                Dim flag4 As Boolean
                Dim event2 As SKEvent = DirectCast(previousEvents.Dequeue, SKEvent)
                myScanCodeMode = event2.ScanCodeMode
                If ((event2.wm = &H101) OrElse (event2.wm = &H105)) Then
                    flag4 = False
                    If ((event2.wm <> &H100) AndAlso (event2.wm <> 260)) Then
                        Continue Do
                    End If
                    flag4 = True
                End If
                If (event2.paramL = &H10) Then
                    flag = flag4
                    If (event2.paramL = &H11) Then
                        flag2 = flag4
                        Continue Do
                    End If
                    If (event2.paramL = &H12) Then
                        flag3 = flag4
                    End If
                End If
            If flag Then
                SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H101, &H10, _
                    False, IntPtr.Zero, myScanCodeMode))  'Shift Key

            ElseIf flag2 Then
                SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H101, &H11, _
                    False, IntPtr.Zero, myScanCodeMode)) 'Ctrl Key

            ElseIf flag3 Then
                SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H105, &H12, False, _
                     IntPtr.Zero, myScanCodeMode)) ' Alt Key
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function GetScanCode(ByVal key As Keys, _
               ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes) As Integer
        Dim myScanCode As Integer = 0
        Select Case ScanCodeMode
            Case ScanCodeModes.None
                myScanCode = 0
            Case ScanCodeModes.Break
                Dim myScanCodeValue As ScanCodeValue = Nothing
                If ScanCodeTable.TryGetValue(key, myScanCodeValue) Then
                    If myScanCodeValue IsNot Nothing Then
                        myScanCode = myScanCodeValue.BreakCode
                        myScanCode = 0
                    End If
                End If
            Case ScanCodeModes.Make
                Dim myScanCodeValue As ScanCodeValue = Nothing
                If ScanCodeTable.TryGetValue(key, myScanCodeValue) Then
                    If myScanCodeValue IsNot Nothing Then
                        myScanCode = myScanCodeValue.MakeCode
                        myScanCode = 0
                    End If
                End If
        End Select
        Return myScanCode
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub AddEvent(ByVal skevent As SKEvent)
        If ( Is Nothing) Then
   = New Queue
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub AddMsgsForVK(ByVal vk As Integer, ByVal repeat _
            As Integer, ByVal altnoctrldown As Boolean, _
            ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To repeat - 1
            SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(If(altnoctrldown, _
              &H104, &H100), vk, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
            SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(If(altnoctrldown, _
              &H105, &H101), vk, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
        Next i
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function AddSimpleKey(ByVal character As Char, _
            ByVal repeat As Integer, ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal haveKeys _
            As Integer(), ByVal fStartNewChar As Boolean, ByVal cGrp As _
            Integer, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes) As Boolean
        Dim num As Integer = UnsafeNativeMethods.VkKeyScan(character)
        If (num <> -1) Then
            If ((haveKeys(0) = 0) AndAlso ((num And &H100) <> 0)) Then
                SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H10, fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
                fStartNewChar = False
                haveKeys(0) = 10
            End If
            If ((haveKeys(1) = 0) AndAlso ((num And &H200) <> 0)) Then
                SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H11, fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
                fStartNewChar = False
                haveKeys(1) = 10
            End If
            If ((haveKeys(2) = 0) AndAlso ((num And &H400) <> 0)) Then
                SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H12, fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
                fStartNewChar = False
                haveKeys(2) = 10
            End If
            SendKeysPlus.AddMsgsForVK((num And &HFF), repeat, ((haveKeys(2) > 0) _
                         AndAlso (haveKeys(1) = 0)), hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
            SendKeysPlus.CancelMods(haveKeys, 10, hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
            'Dim num2 As Integer = _
            '  SafeNativeMethods.OemKeyScan(CShort((CByte(ChrW(255)) And CByte(character))))
            Dim num2 As Integer = _
              UnsafeNativeMethods.OemKeyScan(CShort((&HFF00 And Asc(character))))
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To repeat - 1
                SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H102, AscW(character), _
                   (num2 And &HFFFF), hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
            Next i
        End If
        If (cGrp <> 0) Then
            fStartNewChar = True
        End If
        Return fStartNewChar
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub CancelMods(ByVal haveKeys As Integer(), _
            ByVal level As Integer, ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
        If (haveKeys(0) = level) Then
            SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H101, &H10, False, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
            haveKeys(0) = 0
        End If
        If (haveKeys(1) = level) Then
            SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H101, &H11, False, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
            haveKeys(1) = 0
        End If
        If (haveKeys(2) = level) Then
            SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H105, &H12, False, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
            haveKeys(2) = 0
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub CheckGlobalKeys(ByVal skEvent As SKEvent)
        If (skEvent.wm = &H100) Then
            Select Case skEvent.paramL
                Case 20
                    SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged = Not SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged
                Case &H15
                    SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged = Not SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged
                Case &H90
                    SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged = Not SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged
                Case &H91
                    SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged = Not SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged
                Case Else
            End Select
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ClearGlobalKeys()
        SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged = False
        SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged = False
        SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged = False
        SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged = False
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ClearKeyboardState()
        Dim keyboardState As Byte() = SendKeysPlus.GetKeyboardState
        keyboardState(20) = 0
        keyboardState(&H90) = 0
        keyboardState(&H91) = 0
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function EmptyHookCallback(ByVal code As Integer, _
            ByVal wparam As IntPtr, ByVal lparam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
        Return IntPtr.Zero
    End Function

    ''' <summary>Processes all the Windows messages currently in the message queue.</summary>
    ''' <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
    ''' <PermissionSet><IPermission
    '''    class="System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, 
    '''    mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, 
    '''    mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    '''  <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, 
    '''     mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''     version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    ''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission, 
    '''    mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' <IPermission class="System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission, 
    '''     System, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    ''' version="1" Unrestricted="true" /></PermissionSet>
    Public Shared Sub Flush()
        Do While ((Not Is Nothing) AndAlso ( > 0))
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function GetKeyboardState() As Byte()
        Dim keystate As Byte() = New Byte(&H100 - 1) {}
        Return keystate
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub InstallHook()
        If (SendKeysPlus.hhook = IntPtr.Zero) Then
            Dim proc1 As New SendKeysHookProc
            SendKeysPlus.hook = New HookProc(AddressOf proc1.Callback)
            SendKeysPlus.stopHook = False
            SendKeysPlus.hhook = UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(1, SendKeysPlus.hook, _
               New HandleRef(Nothing, UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(Nothing)), 0)
            If (SendKeysPlus.hhook = IntPtr.Zero) Then
                Throw New SecurityException("SendKeysHookFailed")
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function IsExtendedKey(ByVal skEvent As SKEvent) As Boolean
        If (((((skEvent.paramL <> &H26) AndAlso (skEvent.paramL <> 40)) _
               AndAlso ((skEvent.paramL <> &H25) AndAlso (skEvent.paramL <> &H27))) _
               AndAlso (((skEvent.paramL <> &H21) AndAlso (skEvent.paramL <> &H22)) _
               AndAlso ((skEvent.paramL <> &H24) AndAlso _
               (skEvent.paramL <> &H23)))) AndAlso (skEvent.paramL <> &H2D)) Then
            Return (skEvent.paramL = &H2E)
        End If
        Return True
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub JournalCancel()
        If (SendKeysPlus.hhook <> IntPtr.Zero) Then
            SendKeysPlus.stopHook = False
            If (Not Is Nothing) Then
            End If
            SendKeysPlus.hhook = IntPtr.Zero
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub LoadSendMethodFromConfig()
        If Not SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.HasValue Then
            SendKeysPlus.sendMethod = 1
                Dim str As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SendKeys")
                If str.Equals("JournalHook", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
                    SendKeysPlus.sendMethod = 2
                ElseIf str.Equals("SendInput", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
                    SendKeysPlus.sendMethod = 3
                End If
            End Try
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub SetSendMethod(ByVal SendMethod As SendMethodTypes)
        SendKeysPlus.sendMethod = SendMethod
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function MatchKeyword(ByVal keyword As String) As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To SendKeysPlus.keywords.Length - 1
            If String.Equals(SendKeysPlus.keywords(i).keyword, _
                      keyword, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
                Return SendKeysPlus.keywords(i).vk
            End If
        Next i
        Return -1
    End Function

    Private Shared Sub OnThreadExit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ParseKeys(ByVal keys As String, _
               ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
        Dim num As Integer = 0
        Dim haveKeys As Integer() = New Integer(3 - 1) {}
        Dim cGrp As Integer = 0
        SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = True
        Dim length As Integer = keys.Length
        Do While (num < length)
            Dim num6 As Integer
            Dim num7 As Integer
            Dim repeat As Integer = 1
            Dim ch As Char = keys.Chars(num)
            Dim vk As Integer = 0
            Select Case ch
                Case "%"c
                    If (haveKeys(2) <> 0) Then
                        Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
                    End If
                    GoTo Label_03C9
                Case "("c
                    cGrp += 1
                    If (cGrp > 3) Then
                        Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysNestingError")
                    End If
                    GoTo Label_0414
                Case ")"c
                    If (cGrp < 1) Then
                        Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
                    End If
                    GoTo Label_045A
                Case "+"c
                    If (haveKeys(0) <> 0) Then
                        Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
                    End If
                    GoTo Label_0333
                Case "^"c
                    If (haveKeys(1) <> 0) Then
                        Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
                    End If
                    SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H11, _
                          SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
                    SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
                    haveKeys(1) = 10
                    GoTo Label_04AB
                Case "{"c
                    num6 = (num + 1)
                    If (((num6 + 1) >= length) OrElse (keys.Chars(num6) <> "}"c)) Then
                        GoTo Label_00EB
                    End If
                    num7 = (num6 + 1)
                    GoTo Label_00C7
                Case "}"c
                    Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
                Case "~"c
                    vk = 13
                    SendKeysPlus.AddMsgsForVK(vk, repeat, _
                        ((haveKeys(2) > 0) AndAlso (haveKeys(1) = 0)), hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
                    GoTo Label_04AB
                Case Else
                    SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = _
                         SendKeysPlus.AddSimpleKey(keys.Chars(num), repeat, hwnd, _
                         haveKeys, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, cGrp, ScanCodeMode)
                    GoTo Label_04AB
            End Select
            num7 += 1
            If ((num7 < length) AndAlso (keys.Chars(num7) <> "}"c)) Then
                GoTo Label_00C1
            End If
            If (num7 < length) Then
                num6 += 1
            End If
            Do While (((num6 < length) AndAlso (keys.Chars(num6) <> "}"c)) _
                            AndAlso Not Char.IsWhiteSpace(keys.Chars(num6)))
                num6 += 1
            If (num6 >= length) Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysKeywordDelimError")
            End If
            Dim keyword As String = keys.Substring((num + 1), (num6 - (num + 1)))
            If Char.IsWhiteSpace(keys.Chars(num6)) Then
                Do While ((num6 < length) AndAlso Char.IsWhiteSpace(keys.Chars(num6)))
                    num6 += 1
                If (num6 >= length) Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysKeywordDelimError")
                End If
                If Char.IsDigit(keys.Chars(num6)) Then
                    Dim startIndex As Integer = num6
                    Do While ((num6 < length) AndAlso Char.IsDigit(keys.Chars(num6)))
                        num6 += 1
                    repeat = Integer.Parse(keys.Substring(startIndex, _
                                  (num6 - startIndex)), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                End If
            End If
            If (num6 >= length) Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysKeywordDelimError")
            End If
            If (keys.Chars(num6) <> "}"c) Then
                Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysRepeat")
            End If
            vk = SendKeysPlus.MatchKeyword(keyword)
            If (vk <> -1) Then
                If ((haveKeys(0) = 0) AndAlso ((vk And &H10000) <> 0)) Then
                    SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H10, _
                         SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
                    SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
                    haveKeys(0) = 10
                End If
                If ((haveKeys(1) = 0) AndAlso ((vk And &H20000) <> 0)) Then
                    SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H11, _
                            SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
                    SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
                    haveKeys(1) = 10
                End If
                If ((haveKeys(2) = 0) AndAlso ((vk And &H40000) <> 0)) Then
                    SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H12, _
                          SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
                    SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
                    haveKeys(2) = 10
                End If
                SendKeysPlus.AddMsgsForVK(vk, repeat, ((haveKeys(2) > 0) _
                      AndAlso (haveKeys(1) = 0)), hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
                SendKeysPlus.CancelMods(haveKeys, 10, hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
                If (keyword.Length <> 1) Then
                    Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysKeyword" & _
                           keys.Substring((num + 1), (num6 - (num + 1))))
                End If
                SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = SendKeysPlus.AddSimpleKey(keyword.Chars(0), _
                        repeat, hwnd, haveKeys, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, cGrp, ScanCodeMode)
            End If
            num = num6
            GoTo Label_04AB
            SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H10, _
                    SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
            SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
            haveKeys(0) = 10
            GoTo Label_04AB
            SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(If((haveKeys(1) <> 0), _
                  &H100, 260), &H12, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
            SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
            haveKeys(2) = 10
            GoTo Label_04AB
            If (haveKeys(0) = 10) Then
                haveKeys(0) = cGrp
            End If
            If (haveKeys(1) = 10) Then
                haveKeys(1) = cGrp
            End If
            If (haveKeys(2) = 10) Then
                haveKeys(2) = cGrp
            End If
            GoTo Label_04AB
            SendKeysPlus.CancelMods(haveKeys, cGrp, hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
            cGrp -= 1
            If (cGrp = 0) Then
                SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = True
            End If
            num += 1
        If (cGrp <> 0) Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysGroupDelimError")
        End If
        SendKeysPlus.CancelMods(haveKeys, 10, hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub ResetKeyboardUsingSendInput(ByVal INPUTSize As Integer)
        If ((SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged OrElse SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged) _
               OrElse (SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged OrElse SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged)) Then
            Dim pInputs As INPUT() = New INPUT(2 - 1) {}
            pInputs(0).type = 1
            pInputs(0) = 0
            pInputs(1).type = 1
            pInputs(1) = 2
            If SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged Then
                pInputs(0) = 20
                pInputs(1) = 20
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendInput(2, pInputs, INPUTSize)
            End If
            If SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged Then
                pInputs(0) = &H90
                pInputs(1) = &H90
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendInput(2, pInputs, INPUTSize)
            End If
            If SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged Then
                pInputs(0) = &H91
                pInputs(1) = &H91
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendInput(2, pInputs, INPUTSize)
            End If
            If SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged Then
                pInputs(0) = &H15
                pInputs(1) = &H15
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendInput(2, pInputs, INPUTSize)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>Sends keystrokes to the active application.</summary>
    ''' <param name="keys">The string of keystrokes to send. </param>
    ''' <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">There is not
    ''' an active application to send keystrokes to. </exception>
    ''' <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">keys do 
    '''    not represent valid keystrokes</exception>
    ''' <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
    ''' <PermissionSet><IPermission
    '''   class="System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, 
    '''   mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, 
    '''    mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''    version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, 
    '''   Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    ''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission, mscorlib, 
    '''    Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''    version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' <IPermission class="System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission, 
    '''   System, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" /></PermissionSet>
    Public Shared Sub Send(ByVal keys As String, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
        SendKeysPlus.Send(keys, Nothing, False, ScanCodeMode)
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub Send(ByVal keys As String, ByVal control As Control, _
            ByVal wait As Boolean, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
        If ((Not keys Is Nothing) AndAlso (keys.Length <> 0)) Then
            If (Not wait AndAlso Not Application.MessageLoop) Then
                Throw New InvalidOperationException("SendKeysNoMessageLoop")
            End If
            Dim previousEvents As Queue = Nothing
            If ((Not Is Nothing) AndAlso ( <> 0)) Then
                previousEvents = DirectCast(, Queue)
            End If
            SendKeysPlus.ParseKeys(keys, If((Not control Is Nothing), _
                           control.Handle, IntPtr.Zero), ScanCodeMode)
            If (Not Is Nothing) Then
                Dim keyboardState As Byte() = SendKeysPlus.GetKeyboardState
                If (DirectCast(SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value, _
                        SendMethodTypes) <> SendMethodTypes.SendInput) Then
                    If (Not SendKeysPlus.hookSupported.HasValue AndAlso _
                           (DirectCast(SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value, _
                           SendMethodTypes) = SendMethodTypes.Default)) Then
                    End If
                    If ((DirectCast(SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value, _
                             SendMethodTypes) = SendMethodTypes.JournalHook) _
                             OrElse SendKeysPlus.hookSupported.Value) Then
                    End If
                End If
                If ((DirectCast(SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value, SendMethodTypes) = _
                         SendMethodTypes.SendInput) OrElse _
                         ((DirectCast(SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value, _
                         SendMethodTypes) = SendMethodTypes.Default) _
                         AndAlso Not SendKeysPlus.hookSupported.Value)) Then
                    SendKeysPlus.SendInput(keyboardState, previousEvents)
                End If
                If wait Then
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub SendInput(ByVal oldKeyboardState As Byte(), ByVal previousEvents As Queue)
        Dim count As Integer
        Dim pInputs As INPUT() = New INPUT(2 - 1) {}
        pInputs(0).type = 1
        pInputs(1).type = 1
        pInputs(1) = 0
        pInputs(1) = 6
        pInputs(0) = IntPtr.Zero
        pInputs(0) = 0
        pInputs(1) = IntPtr.Zero
        pInputs(1) = 0
        Dim cbSize As Integer = Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(INPUT))
        Dim num2 As UInt32 = 0
            Dim flag As Boolean = UnsafeNativeMethods.BlockInput(True)
                count =
                Dim i As Integer
                For i = 0 To count - 1
                    Dim skEvent As SKEvent = DirectCast(, SKEvent)
                    pInputs(0) = 0
                    If (skEvent.wm = &H102) Then  'OEMScanKey Set use VkKey
                        pInputs(0) = 0
                        pInputs(0) = CShort(skEvent.paramL)
                        pInputs(0) = 4
                        pInputs(1) = CShort(skEvent.paramL)
                        num2 = (num2 + (UnsafeNativeMethods.SendInput(2, pInputs, cbSize) - 1))
                        If ((skEvent.wm = &H101) OrElse (skEvent.wm = &H105)) Then
                            pInputs(0) = (pInputs(0) Or 2)
                        End If
                        If SendKeysPlus.IsExtendedKey(skEvent) Then
                            pInputs(0) = (pInputs(0) Or 1)
                        End If

                        pInputs(0) = CShort(skEvent.paramL)

                        If skEvent.ScanCodeMode <> ScanCodeModes.None Then
                            Dim myKey As Keys
                            myKey = System.Enum.Parse(GetType(ScanCodeModes), CInt(skEvent.paramL))
                            pInputs(0) = GetScanCode(myKey, skEvent.ScanCodeMode)
                            pInputs(0) = 0
                        End If
                        num2 = (num2 + UnsafeNativeMethods.SendInput(1, pInputs, cbSize))
                    End If
                Next i
                If flag Then
                End If
            End Try
        End SyncLock
        If (num2 <> count) Then
            Throw New Win32Exception
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Enum ScanCodeModes
        None = 0
        Make = 1
        Break = 2
    End Enum
    Private _ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes = ScanCodeModes.None
    Public Property ScanCodeMode() As ScanCodeModes
            Return _ScanCodeMode
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As ScanCodeModes)
            _ScanCodeMode = value
        End Set
    End Property

    ''' <summary>Sends the given keys to the active application,
    '''   and then waits for the messages to be processed.</summary>
    ''' <param name="keys">The string of keystrokes to send. </param>
    ''' <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
    ''' <PermissionSet><IPermission 
    '''    class="System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, 
    '''           mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, 
    '''           PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" 
    '''    Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' <IPermission 
    '''   class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, 
    '''         mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, 
    '''         PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' <IPermission 
    '''    class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, 
    '''           Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''    version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
    ''' <IPermission 
    '''   class="System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission, mscorlib, 
    '''         Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' <IPermission class="System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission, 
    '''       System, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
    '''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
    ''' </PermissionSet>
    Public Shared Sub SendWait(ByVal keys As String, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
        SendKeysPlus.SendWait(keys, Nothing, ScanCodeMode)
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub SendWait(ByVal keys As String, ByVal control _
            As Control, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
        SendKeysPlus.Send(keys, control, True, ScanCodeMode)
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub SetKeyboardState(ByVal keystate As Byte())
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub TestHook()
        SendKeysPlus.hookSupported = False
            Dim pfnhook As HookProc = New HookProc(AddressOf SendKeysPlus.EmptyHookCallback)
            Dim handle As IntPtr = UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(1, _
                pfnhook, New HandleRef(Nothing, UnsafeNativeMethods.GetModuleHandle(Nothing)), 0)
            SendKeysPlus.hookSupported = New Nullable(Of Boolean)((handle <> IntPtr.Zero))
            If (handle <> IntPtr.Zero) Then
                UnsafeNativeMethods.UnhookWindowsHookEx(New HandleRef(Nothing, handle))
            End If
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Shared Sub UninstallJournalingHook()
        If (SendKeysPlus.hhook <> IntPtr.Zero) Then
            SendKeysPlus.stopHook = False
            If (Not Is Nothing) Then
            End If
               New HandleRef(Nothing, SendKeysPlus.hhook))
            SendKeysPlus.hhook = IntPtr.Zero
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Fields
    Private Const ALTKEYSCAN As Integer = &H400
    Private Shared capslockChanged As Boolean
    Private Const CTRLKEYSCAN As Integer = &H200
    Private Shared events As Queue
    Private Shared fStartNewChar As Boolean
    Private Const HAVEALT As Integer = 2
    Private Const HAVECTRL As Integer = 1
    Private Const HAVESHIFT As Integer = 0
    Private Shared hhook As IntPtr
    Private Shared hook As HookProc
    Private Shared hookSupported As Nullable(Of Boolean) = Nothing
    Private Shared kanaChanged As Boolean
    Private Shared keywords As KeywordVk() = _
      New KeywordVk() {New KeywordVk("ENTER", 13), _
      New KeywordVk("TAB", 9), New KeywordVk("ESC", &H1B), _
      New KeywordVk("ESCAPE", &H1B), New KeywordVk("HOME", &H24), _
      New KeywordVk("END", &H23), New KeywordVk("LEFT", &H25), _
      New KeywordVk("RIGHT", &H27), New KeywordVk("UP", &H26), _
      New KeywordVk("DOWN", 40), New KeywordVk("PGUP", &H21), _
      New KeywordVk("PGDN", &H22), New KeywordVk("NUMLOCK", &H90), _
      New KeywordVk("SCROLLLOCK", &H91), New KeywordVk("PRTSC", &H2C), _
      New KeywordVk("BREAK", 3), New KeywordVk("BACKSPACE", 8), _
      New KeywordVk("BKSP", 8), New KeywordVk("BS", 8), _
      New KeywordVk("CLEAR", 12), New KeywordVk("CAPSLOCK", 20), _
      New KeywordVk("INS", &H2D), New KeywordVk("INSERT", &H2D), _
      New KeywordVk("DEL", &H2E), New KeywordVk("DELETE", &H2E), _
      New KeywordVk("HELP", &H2F), New KeywordVk("F1", &H70), _
      New KeywordVk("F2", &H71), New KeywordVk("F3", &H72), _
      New KeywordVk("F4", &H73), New KeywordVk("F5", &H74), _
      New KeywordVk("F6", &H75), New KeywordVk("F7", &H76), _
      New KeywordVk("F8", &H77), New KeywordVk("F9", 120), _
      New KeywordVk("F10", &H79), New KeywordVk("F11", &H7A), _
      New KeywordVk("F12", &H7B), New KeywordVk("F13", &H7C), _
      New KeywordVk("F14", &H7D), New KeywordVk("F15", &H7E), _
      New KeywordVk("F16", &H7F), New KeywordVk("MULTIPLY", &H6A), _
      New KeywordVk("ADD", &H6B), New KeywordVk("SUBTRACT", &H6D), _
      New KeywordVk("DIVIDE", &H6F), New KeywordVk("+", &H6B), _
      New KeywordVk("%", &H10035), New KeywordVk("^", &H10036)}
    Private Shared messageWindow As SKWindow
    Private Shared numlockChanged As Boolean
    Private Shared scrollLockChanged As Boolean
    Private Shared sendMethod As Nullable(Of SendMethodTypes) = Nothing
    Private Const SHIFTKEYSCAN As Integer = &H100
    Private Shared stopHook As Boolean
    Private Const UNKNOWN_GROUPING As Integer = 10

    ' Nested Types
    Private Class KeywordVk
        ' Methods
        Public Sub New(ByVal key As String, ByVal v As Integer)
            Me.keyword = key
            Me.vk = v
        End Sub

        ' Fields
        Friend keyword As String
        Friend vk As Integer
    End Class

    Private Class SendKeysHookProc
        ' Methods
        Public Overridable Function Callback(ByVal code As Integer, _
               ByVal wparam As IntPtr, ByVal lparam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
            Dim [Structure] As EVENTMSG = _
              DirectCast(UnsafeNativeMethods.PtrToStructure(lparam, _
              GetType(EVENTMSG)), EVENTMSG)
            If (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetAsyncKeyState(&H13) <> 0) Then
                SendKeysPlus.stopHook = True
            End If
            Select Case code
                Case 1
                    Me.gotNextEvent = True
                    Dim event2 As SKEvent = DirectCast(, SKEvent)
                    [Structure].message = event2.wm
                    [Structure].paramL = event2.paramL
                    [Structure].paramH = event2.paramH
                    [Structure].hwnd = event2.hwnd
                    [Structure].time = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetTickCount
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr([Structure], lparam, True)
                    Exit Select
                Case 2
                    If Me.gotNextEvent Then
                        If ((Not Is Nothing) _
                                 AndAlso ( > 0)) Then
                        End If
                        SendKeysPlus.stopHook = _
                          (( Is Nothing) _
                          OrElse ( = 0))
                    End If
                    Exit Select
                Case Else
                    If (code < 0) Then
                          New HandleRef(Nothing, SendKeysPlus.hhook), _
                          code, wparam, lparam)
                    End If
                    Exit Select
            End Select
            If SendKeysPlus.stopHook Then
                Me.gotNextEvent = False
            End If
            Return IntPtr.Zero
        End Function

        ' Fields
        Private gotNextEvent As Boolean
    End Class

    Public Enum SendMethodTypes
        ' Fields
        [Default] = 1
        JournalHook = 2
        SendInput = 3
    End Enum

    Private Class SKEvent
        ' Methods
        Public Sub New(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer, _
               ByVal c As Boolean, ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _
               ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
            Me.wm = a
            Me.paramL = b
            Me.paramH = If(c, 1, 0)
            Me.hwnd = hwnd
   = GetScanCode(Keys.B, ScanCodeMode)
            Me.ScanCodeMode = ScanCodeMode
        End Sub

        Public Sub New(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer, _
               ByVal c As Integer, ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _
               ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
            Me.wm = a
            Me.paramL = b
            Me.paramH = c
            Me.hwnd = hwnd
   = GetScanCode(Keys.B, ScanCodeMode)
            Me.ScanCodeMode = ScanCodeMode
        End Sub

        ' Fields
        Friend hwnd As IntPtr
        Friend paramH As Integer
        Friend paramL As Integer
        Friend wm As Integer
        Friend sc As Integer
        Friend ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes
    End Class

    Private Class SKWindow
        Inherits Control
        ' Methods
        Public Sub New()

            'MyBase.SetState(&H80000, True)
            'MyBase.SetState2(8, False)
            MyBase.SetBounds(-1, -1, 0, 0)
            MyBase.Visible = False
        End Sub

        Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
            If (m.Msg = &H4B) Then
                End Try
            End If
        End Sub

    End Class

End Class


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Web Developer
United States United States
Andrew DeVries has been a .Net programmer since 2003. He currently works as a consultant designing custom software for windows as well as for the web. Currently he spends his days designing custom web controls and custom data sources.

Comments and Discussions

SuggestionCompiling with VS2010 Pin
kother1-Sep-18 7:12
kother1-Sep-18 7:12 
First of all, thanks to the great effort of Andrewiski.

Like other people here, I need to deal with Citrix automation and SendKeys but have trouble compiling this code. After some struggle I came with a variation that compiles in VS2010, corrects some small typos, and adds a couple of new keystrokes (PageUp, PageDown, Down, Up) with instructions to easily add your new ones.

So this is my suggestion for the code:

(NOTE!!!: For some reason, CodeProject adds blank lines between ''' coments, you NEED TO REMOVE these blank lines to compile!)

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Windows.Forms

#If 1 = 0 Then
									********* NOTES *********

	In order to compile correctly, make sure you have these references added to your project:


	And these namespaces:


	If you find that a key is missing, add it to the code (look for the tag _CODES_) with a instruction
							AddScanCode(Keys.xxxx, make_code, break_code)

	Have a look to that section right now and make sure all the keys you need are present. These are the instructions to add any other you need:
	You need to find the "make" and "break" codes. Last one is easy:
					break_code = make_code + &h80   (usually)
	So the only unknown parameter is "make_code". I found this page useful to locate it:

			It shows a keyboard layout with scan codes ("make_codes") that seems to work with occident keyboards:

			 ---     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   -----------
			| 01|   | 3B| 3C| 3D| 3E| | 3F| 40| 41| 42| | 43| 44| 57| 58| |+37|+46|+45| 
			 ---     ---------------   ---------------   ---------------   -----------

			 -----------------------------------------------------------   -----------   ---------------
			| 29| 02| 03| 04| 05| 06| 07| 08| 09| 0A| 0B| 0C| 0D|     0E| |*52|*47|*49| |+45|+35|+37| 4A|
			|-----------------------------------------------------------| |-----------| |---------------|
			|   0F| 10| 11| 12| 13| 14| 15| 16| 17| 18| 19| 1A| 1B|   2B| |*53|*4F|*51| | 47| 48| 49|   |
			|-----------------------------------------------------------|  -----------  |-----------| 4E|
			|    3A| 1E| 1F| 20| 21| 22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27| 28|      1C|               | 4B| 4C| 4D|   |
			|-----------------------------------------------------------|      ---      |---------------|
			|      2A| 2C| 2D| 2E| 2F| 30| 31| 32| 33| 34| 35|        36|     |*4C|     | 4F| 50| 51|   |
			|-----------------------------------------------------------|  -----------  |-----------|-1C|
			|   1D|-5B|   38|                       39|-38|-5C|-5D|  -1D| |*4B|*50|*4D| |     52| 53|   |
			 -----------------------------------------------------------   -----------   ---------------

	Code adapted from
	Very grateful to the author!

#End If

Public Delegate Function CallBack(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer

Namespace Utils

	''' <summary>Provides methods for sending keystrokes to an application.</summary>
	''' <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
	Public Class SendKeysPlus

		Private Structure MOUSEINPUT
			Public dx As Integer
			Public dy As Integer
			Public mouseData As Integer
			Public dwFlags As Integer
			Public time As Integer
			Public dwExtraInfo As IntPtr
		End Structure

		Private Structure KEYBDINPUT
			Public wVk As Short
			Public wScan As Short
			Public dwFlags As Integer
			Public time As Integer
			Public dwExtraInfo As IntPtr
		End Structure

		Private Structure HARDWAREINPUT
			Public uMsg As Integer
			Public wParamL As Short
			Public wParamH As Short
		End Structure

		<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)> _
		Private Structure INPUT
			<FieldOffset(0)> _
			Public type As Integer
			<FieldOffset(4)> _
			Public mi As MOUSEINPUT
			<FieldOffset(4)> _
			Public ki As KEYBDINPUT
			<FieldOffset(4)> _
		End Structure

		Structure EVENTMSG
			Public message As UInt32
			Public paramL As UInt32
			Public paramH As UInt32
			Public time As UInt32
			Public hwnd As IntPtr
		End Structure

		Private Declare Function SendInput Lib "user32" (ByVal nInputs As Integer, ByVal pInputs() As INPUT, ByVal cbSize As Integer) As Integer

		<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)>
		Private Shared Function SetKeyboardState(ByVal lpKeyState() As Byte) As Boolean
		End Function

		<DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
		Public Overloads Shared Function SetWindowsHookEx _
		  (ByVal idHook As Integer, ByVal HookProc As CallBack, _
		   ByVal hInstance As IntPtr, ByVal wParam As Integer) As Integer
		End Function

		<DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError:=True)> _
		Public Shared Function GetModuleHandle(ByVal lpModuleName As String) As IntPtr
		End Function

		<DllImport("user32.dll")> _
		Shared Function GetAsyncKeyState(ByVal vKey As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Short
		End Function

		<DllImport("kernel32.dll")> _
		Private Shared Function GetTickCount() As UInteger
		End Function

		<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
		Private Shared Function VkKeyScan(ByVal ch As Char) As Short
		End Function

		<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
		Private Shared Function OemKeyScan(ByVal ch As Char) As Integer
		End Function

		Private Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib "user32" (ByVal keyState() As Byte) As Boolean
		Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal fBlockIt As Boolean) As Boolean

		<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _
		Public Shared Function UnhookWindowsHookEx(ByVal hhk As IntPtr) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
		End Function

		<DllImport("user32.dll")> _
		Private Shared Function CallNextHookEx(ByVal hhk As IntPtr, ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
		End Function

		Private Class ScanCodeValue
			Private _Key As Byte
			Private _MakeCode As Byte
			Private _BreakCode As Byte

			Public Sub New(ByVal Key As Keys, ByVal MakeCode As Integer, ByVal Breakcode As Integer)
				_Key = Key
				_MakeCode = MakeCode
				_BreakCode = Breakcode
			End Sub

			Public ReadOnly Property Key() As Keys
					Return _Key
				End Get
			End Property

			Public ReadOnly Property MakeCode() As Byte
					Return _MakeCode
				End Get
			End Property

			Public ReadOnly Property BreakCode() As Byte
					Return _BreakCode
				End Get
			End Property
		End Class

		Private Shared _ScanCodeTable As SortedList(Of Keys, ScanCodeValue)
		Private Shared ReadOnly Property ScanCodeTable() As SortedList(Of Keys, ScanCodeValue)
				If _ScanCodeTable Is Nothing Then
					'_ScanCodeTable.Add(Keys., New ScanCodeValue(Keys., &H, &H))
					_ScanCodeTable = New SortedList(Of Keys, ScanCodeValue)
					' _CODES_
					AddScanCode(Keys.Menu, &H38, &HB8)
					AddScanCode(Keys.ControlKey, &H1D, &H9D)
					AddScanCode(Keys.ShiftKey, &H2A, &HAA)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Back, &HE, &H8E)
					AddScanCode(Keys.CapsLock, &H3A, &HBA)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Enter, &H1C, &H9C)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Escape, &H1, &H81)
					AddScanCode(Keys.LMenu, &H38, &HB8)
					AddScanCode(Keys.LControlKey, &H1D, &H9D)
					AddScanCode(Keys.LShiftKey, &H2A, &HAA)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumLock, &H45, &HC5)
					AddScanCode(Keys.RShiftKey, &H36, &HB6)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Scroll, &H46, &HC6)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Space, &H39, &HB9)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Attn, &H54, &HD4)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Tab, &HF, &H8F)
					AddScanCode(Keys.A, &H1E, &H9E)
					AddScanCode(Keys.B, &H30, &HB0)
					AddScanCode(Keys.C, &H2E, &HAE)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D, &H20, &HA0)
					AddScanCode(Keys.E, &H12, &H92)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F, &H21, &HA1)
					AddScanCode(Keys.G, &H22, &HA2)
					AddScanCode(Keys.H, &H23, &HA3)
					AddScanCode(Keys.I, &H17, &H97)
					AddScanCode(Keys.J, &H24, &HA4)
					AddScanCode(Keys.K, &H25, &HA5)
					AddScanCode(Keys.L, &H26, &HA6)
					AddScanCode(Keys.M, &H32, &HB2)
					AddScanCode(Keys.N, &H31, &HB1)
					AddScanCode(Keys.O, &H18, &H98)
					AddScanCode(Keys.P, &H19, &H99)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Q, &H10, &H90)
					AddScanCode(Keys.R, &H13, &H93)
					AddScanCode(Keys.S, &H1F, &H9F)
					AddScanCode(Keys.T, &H14, &H94)
					AddScanCode(Keys.U, &H16, &H96)
					AddScanCode(Keys.V, &H2F, &HAF)
					AddScanCode(Keys.W, &H11, &H91)
					AddScanCode(Keys.X, &H2D, &HAD)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Y, &H15, &H95)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Z, &H2C, &HAC)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F1, &H3B, &HBB)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F2, &H3C, &HBC)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F3, &H3D, &HBD)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F4, &H3E, &HBE)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F7, &H41, &HC1)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F5, &H3F, &HBF)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F6, &H40, &HC0)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F8, &H42, &HC2)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F9, &H43, &HC3)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F10, &H44, &HC4)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F11, &H57, &HD7)
					AddScanCode(Keys.F12, &H58, &HD8)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D1, &H2, &H82)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D2, &H3, &H83)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D3, &H4, &H84)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D4, &H5, &H85)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D5, &H6, &H86)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D6, &H7, &H87)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D7, &H8, &H88)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D8, &H9, &H89)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D9, &HA, &H8A)
					AddScanCode(Keys.D0, &HB, &H8B)
					AddScanCode(Keys.OemMinus, &HC, &H8C)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Oemplus, &HD, &H8D)
					AddScanCode(Keys.OemOpenBrackets, &H1A, &H9A)
					AddScanCode(Keys.OemCloseBrackets, &H1B, &H9B)
					AddScanCode(Keys.OemSemicolon, &H27, &HA7)
					AddScanCode(Keys.OemQuotes, &H29, &HA9)
					AddScanCode(Keys.OemPipe, &H2B, &HAB)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Oemcomma, &H33, &HB3)
					AddScanCode(Keys.OemPeriod, &H34, &HB4)
					AddScanCode(Keys.OemQuestion, &H35, &HB5)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad0, &H52, &HD2)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad1, &H4F, &HCF)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad2, &H50, &HD0)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad3, &H51, &HD1)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad4, &H4B, &HCB)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad5, &H4C, &HCC)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad6, &H4D, &HCD)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad7, &H47, &HC7)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad8, &H48, &HC8)
					AddScanCode(Keys.NumPad9, &H49, &HC9)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Decimal, &H53, &HD3)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Multiply, &H37, &HB7)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Subtract, &H4A, &HCA)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Add, &H4E, &HCE)
					AddScanCode(Keys.PageUp, &H49, &HC9)
					AddScanCode(Keys.PageDown, &H51, &HD1)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Down, &H50, &HD0)
					AddScanCode(Keys.Up, &H4C, &HCC)
				End If
				Return _ScanCodeTable
			End Get
		End Property

		Private Shared Sub AddScanCode(ByVal Key As Keys, ByVal Make As Byte, ByVal Break As Byte)
			_ScanCodeTable.Add(Key, New ScanCodeValue(Key, Make, Break))
		End Sub

		' Methods
		Shared Sub New()
			AddHandler Application.ThreadExit, New EventHandler(AddressOf SendKeysPlus.OnThreadExit)
			SendKeysPlus.messageWindow = New SKWindow
		End Sub

		Private Sub New()
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub AddCancelModifiersForPreviousEvents(ByVal previousEvents As Queue)
			If (Not previousEvents Is Nothing) Then
				Dim flag As Boolean = False
				Dim flag2 As Boolean = False
				Dim flag3 As Boolean = False
				'This Assumes that all of the previousEvents
				'have the same ScanCodeMode which they should
				Dim myScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes = ScanCodeModes.None
				Do While (previousEvents.Count > 0)
					Dim flag4 As Boolean
					Dim event2 As SKEvent = DirectCast(previousEvents.Dequeue, SKEvent)
					myScanCodeMode = event2.ScanCodeMode
					If ((event2.wm = &H101) OrElse (event2.wm = &H105)) Then
						flag4 = False
						If ((event2.wm <> &H100) AndAlso (event2.wm <> 260)) Then
							Continue Do
						End If
						flag4 = True
					End If
					If (event2.paramL = &H10) Then
						flag = flag4
						If (event2.paramL = &H11) Then
							flag2 = flag4
							Continue Do
						End If
						If (event2.paramL = &H12) Then
							flag3 = flag4
						End If
					End If
				If flag Then
					SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H101, &H10, _
					 False, IntPtr.Zero, myScanCodeMode))  'Shift Key

				ElseIf flag2 Then
					SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H101, &H11, _
					 False, IntPtr.Zero, myScanCodeMode)) 'Ctrl Key

				ElseIf flag3 Then
					SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H105, &H12, False, _
					  IntPtr.Zero, myScanCodeMode))	' Alt Key
				End If
			End If
		End Sub

		Private Shared Function GetScanCode(ByVal key As Keys, _
		  ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes) As Integer
			Dim myScanCode As Integer = 0
			Select Case ScanCodeMode
				Case ScanCodeModes.None
					myScanCode = 0
				Case ScanCodeModes.Break
					Dim myScanCodeValue As ScanCodeValue = Nothing
					If ScanCodeTable.TryGetValue(key, myScanCodeValue) Then
						If myScanCodeValue IsNot Nothing Then
							myScanCode = myScanCodeValue.BreakCode
							myScanCode = 0
						End If
					End If
				Case ScanCodeModes.Make
					Dim myScanCodeValue As ScanCodeValue = Nothing
					If ScanCodeTable.TryGetValue(key, myScanCodeValue) Then
						If myScanCodeValue IsNot Nothing Then
							myScanCode = myScanCodeValue.MakeCode
							myScanCode = 0
						End If
					End If
			End Select
			Return myScanCode
		End Function

		Private Shared Sub AddEvent(ByVal skevent As SKEvent)
			If ( Is Nothing) Then = New Queue
			End If
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub AddMsgsForVK(ByVal vk As Integer, ByVal repeat _
		  As Integer, ByVal altnoctrldown As Boolean, _
		  ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
			Dim i As Integer
			For i = 0 To repeat - 1
				SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(If(altnoctrldown, _
				  &H104, &H100), vk, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
				SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(If(altnoctrldown, _
				  &H105, &H101), vk, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
			Next i
		End Sub

		Private Shared Function AddSimpleKey(ByVal character As Char, _
		  ByVal repeat As Integer, ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal haveKeys _
		  As Integer(), ByVal fStartNewChar As Boolean, ByVal cGrp As _
		  Integer, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes) As Boolean

			Dim num As Integer = VkKeyScan(character)
			If (num <> -1) Then
				If ((haveKeys(0) = 0) AndAlso ((num And &H100) <> 0)) Then
					SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H10, fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
					fStartNewChar = False
					haveKeys(0) = 10
				End If
				If ((haveKeys(1) = 0) AndAlso ((num And &H200) <> 0)) Then
					SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H11, fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
					fStartNewChar = False
					haveKeys(1) = 10
				End If
				If ((haveKeys(2) = 0) AndAlso ((num And &H400) <> 0)) Then
					SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H12, fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
					fStartNewChar = False
					haveKeys(2) = 10
				End If
				SendKeysPlus.AddMsgsForVK((num And &HFF), repeat, ((haveKeys(2) > 0) _
				 AndAlso (haveKeys(1) = 0)), hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
				SendKeysPlus.CancelMods(haveKeys, 10, hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
				'Dim num2 As Integer = _
				'  SafeNativeMethods.OemKeyScan(CShort((CByte(ChrW(255)) And CByte(character))))
				Dim num2 As Integer = OemKeyScan(ChrW((&HFF00 And Asc(character))))
				Dim i As Integer
				For i = 0 To repeat - 1
					SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H102, AscW(character), _
					   (num2 And &HFFFF), hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
				Next i
			End If
			If (cGrp <> 0) Then
				fStartNewChar = True
			End If
			Return fStartNewChar
		End Function

		Private Shared Sub CancelMods(ByVal haveKeys As Integer(), _
		  ByVal level As Integer, ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
			If (haveKeys(0) = level) Then
				SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H101, &H10, False, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
				haveKeys(0) = 0
			End If
			If (haveKeys(1) = level) Then
				SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H101, &H11, False, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
				haveKeys(1) = 0
			End If
			If (haveKeys(2) = level) Then
				SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H105, &H12, False, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
				haveKeys(2) = 0
			End If
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub CheckGlobalKeys(ByVal skEvent As SKEvent)
			If (skEvent.wm = &H100) Then
				Select Case skEvent.paramL
					Case 20
						SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged = Not SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged
					Case &H15
						SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged = Not SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged
					Case &H90
						SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged = Not SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged
					Case &H91
						SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged = Not SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged
					Case Else
				End Select
			End If
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub ClearGlobalKeys()
			SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged = False
			SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged = False
			SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged = False
			SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged = False
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub ClearKeyboardState()
			Dim keyboardState As Byte() = SendKeysPlus.MyGetKeyboardState
			keyboardState(20) = 0
			keyboardState(&H90) = 0
			keyboardState(&H91) = 0
		End Sub

		Private Shared Function EmptyHookCallback(ByVal code As Integer, _
		  ByVal wparam As IntPtr, ByVal lparam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
			Return IntPtr.Zero
		End Function

		''' <summary>Processes all the Windows messages currently in the message queue.</summary>
		''' <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
		''' <PermissionSet><IPermission
		'''    class="System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, 
		'''    mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, 
		'''    mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		'''  <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, 
		'''     mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''     version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
		''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission, 
		'''    mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		''' <IPermission class="System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission, 
		'''     System, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		''' version="1" Unrestricted="true" /></PermissionSet>
		Public Shared Sub Flush()
			Do While ((Not Is Nothing) AndAlso ( > 0))
		End Sub

		Private Shared Function MyGetKeyboardState() As Byte()
			Dim keystate As Byte() = New Byte(&H100 - 1) {}
			Return keystate
		End Function

		Private Shared Sub InstallHook()
			If (SendKeysPlus.hhook = IntPtr.Zero) Then
				Dim proc1 As New SendKeysHookProc
				SendKeysPlus.hook = New CallBack(AddressOf proc1.Callback)
				SendKeysPlus.stopHook = False
				SendKeysPlus.hhook = SetWindowsHookEx(1, SendKeysPlus.hook, _
				New HandleRef(Nothing, GetModuleHandle(Nothing)), 0)
				If (SendKeysPlus.hhook = IntPtr.Zero) Then
					Throw New SecurityException("SendKeysHookFailed")
				End If
			End If
		End Sub

		Private Shared Function IsExtendedKey(ByVal skEvent As SKEvent) As Boolean
			If (((((skEvent.paramL <> &H26) AndAlso (skEvent.paramL <> 40)) _
			 AndAlso ((skEvent.paramL <> &H25) AndAlso (skEvent.paramL <> &H27))) _
			 AndAlso (((skEvent.paramL <> &H21) AndAlso (skEvent.paramL <> &H22)) _
			 AndAlso ((skEvent.paramL <> &H24) AndAlso _
			 (skEvent.paramL <> &H23)))) AndAlso (skEvent.paramL <> &H2D)) Then
				Return (skEvent.paramL = &H2E)
			End If
			Return True
		End Function

		Private Shared Sub JournalCancel()
			If (SendKeysPlus.hhook <> IntPtr.Zero) Then
				SendKeysPlus.stopHook = False
				If (Not Is Nothing) Then
				End If
				SendKeysPlus.hhook = IntPtr.Zero
			End If
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub LoadSendMethodFromConfig()
			If Not SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.HasValue Then
				SendKeysPlus.sendMethod = 1
					Dim str As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SendKeys")
					If str.Equals("JournalHook", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
						SendKeysPlus.sendMethod = 2
					ElseIf str.Equals("SendInput", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
						SendKeysPlus.sendMethod = 3
					End If
				End Try
			End If
		End Sub

		Public Shared Sub SetSendMethod(ByVal SendMethod As SendMethodTypes)
			SendKeysPlus.sendMethod = SendMethod
		End Sub

		Private Shared Function MatchKeyword(ByVal keyword As String) As Integer
			Dim i As Integer
			For i = 0 To SendKeysPlus.keywords.Length - 1
				If String.Equals(SendKeysPlus.keywords(i).keyword, _
				 keyword, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
					Return SendKeysPlus.keywords(i).vk
				End If
			Next i
			Return -1
		End Function

		Private Shared Sub OnThreadExit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
			End Try
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub ParseKeys(ByVal keys As String, _
		  ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
			Dim num As Integer = 0
			Dim haveKeys As Integer() = New Integer(3 - 1) {}
			Dim cGrp As Integer = 0
			SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = True
			Dim length As Integer = keys.Length
			Do While (num < length)
				Dim num6 As Integer
				Dim num7 As Integer
				Dim repeat As Integer = 1
				Dim ch As Char = keys.Chars(num)
				Dim vk As Integer = 0
				Select Case ch
					Case "%"c
						If (haveKeys(2) <> 0) Then
							Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
						End If
						GoTo Label_03C9
					Case "("c
						cGrp += 1
						If (cGrp > 3) Then
							Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysNestingError")
						End If
						GoTo Label_0414
					Case ")"c
						If (cGrp < 1) Then
							Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
						End If
						GoTo Label_045A
					Case "+"c
						If (haveKeys(0) <> 0) Then
							Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
						End If
						GoTo Label_0333
					Case "^"c
						If (haveKeys(1) <> 0) Then
							Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
						End If
						SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H11, _
						   SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
						SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
						haveKeys(1) = 10
						GoTo Label_04AB
					Case "{"c
						num6 = (num + 1)
						If (((num6 + 1) >= length) OrElse (keys.Chars(num6) <> "}"c)) Then
							GoTo Label_00EB
						End If
						num7 = (num6 + 1)
						GoTo Label_00C7
					Case "}"c
						Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysString")
					Case "~"c
						vk = 13
						SendKeysPlus.AddMsgsForVK(vk, repeat, _
						 ((haveKeys(2) > 0) AndAlso (haveKeys(1) = 0)), hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
						GoTo Label_04AB
					Case Else
						SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = _
						  SendKeysPlus.AddSimpleKey(keys.Chars(num), repeat, hwnd, _
						  haveKeys, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, cGrp, ScanCodeMode)
						GoTo Label_04AB
				End Select
				num7 += 1
				If ((num7 < length) AndAlso (keys.Chars(num7) <> "}"c)) Then
					GoTo Label_00C1
				End If
				If (num7 < length) Then
					num6 += 1
				End If
				Do While (((num6 < length) AndAlso (keys.Chars(num6) <> "}"c)) _
				 AndAlso Not Char.IsWhiteSpace(keys.Chars(num6)))
					num6 += 1
				If (num6 >= length) Then
					Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysKeywordDelimError")
				End If
				Dim keyword As String = keys.Substring((num + 1), (num6 - (num + 1)))
				If Char.IsWhiteSpace(keys.Chars(num6)) Then
					Do While ((num6 < length) AndAlso Char.IsWhiteSpace(keys.Chars(num6)))
						num6 += 1
					If (num6 >= length) Then
						Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysKeywordDelimError")
					End If
					If Char.IsDigit(keys.Chars(num6)) Then
						Dim startIndex As Integer = num6
						Do While ((num6 < length) AndAlso Char.IsDigit(keys.Chars(num6)))
							num6 += 1
						repeat = Integer.Parse(keys.Substring(startIndex, _
						  (num6 - startIndex)), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
					End If
				End If
				If (num6 >= length) Then
					Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysKeywordDelimError")
				End If
				If (keys.Chars(num6) <> "}"c) Then
					Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysRepeat")
				End If
				vk = SendKeysPlus.MatchKeyword(keyword)
				If (vk <> -1) Then
					If ((haveKeys(0) = 0) AndAlso ((vk And &H10000) <> 0)) Then
						SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H10, _
						  SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
						SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
						haveKeys(0) = 10
					End If
					If ((haveKeys(1) = 0) AndAlso ((vk And &H20000) <> 0)) Then
						SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H11, _
						  SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
						SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
						haveKeys(1) = 10
					End If
					If ((haveKeys(2) = 0) AndAlso ((vk And &H40000) <> 0)) Then
						SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H12, _
						   SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
						SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
						haveKeys(2) = 10
					End If
					SendKeysPlus.AddMsgsForVK(vk, repeat, ((haveKeys(2) > 0) _
					   AndAlso (haveKeys(1) = 0)), hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
					SendKeysPlus.CancelMods(haveKeys, 10, hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
					If (keyword.Length <> 1) Then
						Throw New ArgumentException("InvalidSendKeysKeyword" & _
						 keys.Substring((num + 1), (num6 - (num + 1))))
					End If
					SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = SendKeysPlus.AddSimpleKey(keyword.Chars(0), _
					  repeat, hwnd, haveKeys, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, cGrp, ScanCodeMode)
				End If
				num = num6
				GoTo Label_04AB
				SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(&H100, &H10, _
				  SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
				SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
				haveKeys(0) = 10
				GoTo Label_04AB
				SendKeysPlus.AddEvent(New SKEvent(If((haveKeys(1) <> 0), _
				   &H100, 260), &H12, SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar, hwnd, ScanCodeMode))
				SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = False
				haveKeys(2) = 10
				GoTo Label_04AB
				If (haveKeys(0) = 10) Then
					haveKeys(0) = cGrp
				End If
				If (haveKeys(1) = 10) Then
					haveKeys(1) = cGrp
				End If
				If (haveKeys(2) = 10) Then
					haveKeys(2) = cGrp
				End If
				GoTo Label_04AB
				SendKeysPlus.CancelMods(haveKeys, cGrp, hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
				cGrp -= 1
				If (cGrp = 0) Then
					SendKeysPlus.fStartNewChar = True
				End If
				num += 1
			If (cGrp <> 0) Then
				Throw New ArgumentException("SendKeysGroupDelimError")
			End If
			SendKeysPlus.CancelMods(haveKeys, 10, hwnd, ScanCodeMode)
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub ResetKeyboardUsingSendInput(ByVal INPUTSize As Integer)
			If ((SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged OrElse SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged) _
			 OrElse (SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged OrElse SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged)) Then
				Dim pInputs As INPUT() = New INPUT(2 - 1) {}
				pInputs(0).type = 1
				pInputs(0).ki.dwFlags = 0
				pInputs(1).type = 1
				pInputs(1).ki.dwFlags = 2
				If SendKeysPlus.capslockChanged Then
					pInputs(0).ki.wVk = 20
					pInputs(1).ki.wVk = 20
					SendInput(2, pInputs, INPUTSize)
				End If
				If SendKeysPlus.numlockChanged Then
					pInputs(0).ki.wVk = &H90
					pInputs(1).ki.wVk = &H90
					SendInput(2, pInputs, INPUTSize)
				End If
				If SendKeysPlus.scrollLockChanged Then
					pInputs(0).ki.wVk = &H91
					pInputs(1).ki.wVk = &H91
					SendInput(2, pInputs, INPUTSize)
				End If
				If SendKeysPlus.kanaChanged Then
					pInputs(0).ki.wVk = &H15
					pInputs(1).ki.wVk = &H15
					SendInput(2, pInputs, INPUTSize)
				End If
			End If
		End Sub

		''' <summary>Sends keystrokes to the active application.</summary>
		''' <param name="keys">The string of keystrokes to send. </param>
		''' <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">There is not
		''' an active application to send keystrokes to. </exception>
		''' <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">keys do 
		'''    not represent valid keystrokes</exception>
		''' <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
		''' <PermissionSet><IPermission
		'''   class="System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, 
		'''   mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, 
		'''    mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''    version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, 
		'''   Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
		''' <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission, mscorlib, 
		'''    Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''    version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		''' <IPermission class="System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission, 
		'''   System, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" /></PermissionSet>
		Public Shared Sub Send(ByVal keys As String, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
			SendKeysPlus.Send(keys, Nothing, False, ScanCodeMode)
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub Send(ByVal keys As String, ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
	 ByVal wait As Boolean, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)

			'!!! IntSecurity.UnmanagedCode.Demand()
			If ((Not keys Is Nothing) AndAlso (keys.Length <> 0)) Then
				If (Not wait AndAlso Not Application.MessageLoop) Then
					Throw New InvalidOperationException("SendKeysNoMessageLoop")
				End If
				Dim previousEvents As Queue = Nothing
				If ((Not Is Nothing) AndAlso ( <> 0)) Then
					previousEvents = DirectCast(, Queue)
				End If
				SendKeysPlus.ParseKeys(keys, hWnd, ScanCodeMode)
				If (Not Is Nothing) Then
					Dim keyboardState As Byte() = SendKeysPlus.MyGetKeyboardState
					If (SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value <> SendMethodTypes.SendInput) Then
						If (Not SendKeysPlus.hookSupported.HasValue AndAlso _
						 (SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value = SendMethodTypes.Default)) Then
						End If
						If ((SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value = SendMethodTypes.JournalHook) _
							OrElse SendKeysPlus.hookSupported.Value) Then
						End If
					End If
					If ((SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value = SendMethodTypes.SendInput) OrElse _
					((SendKeysPlus.sendMethod.Value = SendMethodTypes.Default) _
					AndAlso Not SendKeysPlus.hookSupported.Value)) Then
						SendKeysPlus.SendInput(keyboardState, previousEvents)
					End If
					If wait Then
					End If
				End If
			End If
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub SendInput(ByVal oldKeyboardState As Byte(), ByVal previousEvents As Queue)
			Dim count As Integer
			Dim pInputs As INPUT() = New INPUT(2 - 1) {}
			pInputs(0).type = 1
			pInputs(1).type = 1
			pInputs(1).ki.wVk = 0
			pInputs(1).ki.dwFlags = 6
			pInputs(0).ki.dwExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero
			pInputs(0).ki.time = 0
			pInputs(1).ki.dwExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero
			pInputs(1).ki.time = 0
			Dim cbSize As Integer = Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(INPUT))
			Dim num2 As UInt32 = 0
				Dim flag As Boolean = BlockInput(True)
					count =
					Dim i As Integer
					For i = 0 To count - 1
						Dim skEvent As SKEvent = DirectCast(, SKEvent)
						pInputs(0).ki.dwFlags = 0
						If (skEvent.wm = &H102) Then  'OEMScanKey Set use VkKey
							pInputs(0).ki.wVk = 0
							pInputs(0).ki.wScan = CShort(skEvent.paramL)
							pInputs(0).ki.dwFlags = 4
							pInputs(1).ki.wScan = CShort(skEvent.paramL)
							num2 = (num2 + (SendInput(2, pInputs, cbSize) - 1))
							If ((skEvent.wm = &H101) OrElse (skEvent.wm = &H105)) Then
								pInputs(0).ki.dwFlags = (pInputs(0).ki.dwFlags Or 2)
							End If
							If SendKeysPlus.IsExtendedKey(skEvent) Then
								pInputs(0).ki.dwFlags = (pInputs(0).ki.dwFlags Or 1)
							End If

							pInputs(0).ki.wVk = CShort(skEvent.paramL)

							If skEvent.ScanCodeMode <> ScanCodeModes.None Then
								Dim myKey As Keys
								myKey = System.Enum.Parse(GetType(ScanCodeModes), CInt(skEvent.paramL))
								pInputs(0).ki.wScan = GetScanCode(myKey, skEvent.ScanCodeMode)
								pInputs(0).ki.wScan = 0
							End If
							num2 = (num2 + SendInput(1, pInputs, cbSize))
						End If
					Next i
					If flag Then
					End If
				End Try
			End SyncLock
			If (num2 <> count) Then
				Throw New Win32Exception
			End If
		End Sub

		Public Enum ScanCodeModes
			None = 0
			Make = 1
			Break = 2
		End Enum
		Private _ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes = ScanCodeModes.None
		Public Property ScanCodeMode() As ScanCodeModes
				Return _ScanCodeMode
			End Get
			Set(ByVal value As ScanCodeModes)
				_ScanCodeMode = value
			End Set
		End Property

		''' <summary>Sends the given keys to the active application,
		'''   and then waits for the messages to be processed.</summary>
		''' <param name="keys">The string of keystrokes to send. </param>
		''' <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
		''' <PermissionSet><IPermission 
		'''    class="System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, 
		'''           mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, 
		'''           PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" 
		'''    Unrestricted="true" />
		''' <IPermission 
		'''   class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, 
		'''         mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, 
		'''         PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		''' <IPermission 
		'''    class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, 
		'''           Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''    version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
		''' <IPermission 
		'''   class="System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission, mscorlib, 
		'''         Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		''' <IPermission class="System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission, 
		'''       System, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" 
		'''   version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
		''' </PermissionSet>
		Public Shared Sub SendWait(ByVal keys As String, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
			SendKeysPlus.SendWait(keys, IntPtr.Zero, ScanCodeMode)
		End Sub

		Public Shared Sub SendWait(ByVal keys As String, ByVal control As Control, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
			SendKeysPlus.Send(keys, control.Handle, True, ScanCodeMode)
		End Sub

		Public Shared Sub SendWait(ByVal keys As String, ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
			SendKeysPlus.Send(keys, hWnd, True, ScanCodeMode)
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub MySetKeyboardState(ByVal keystate As Byte())
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub TestHook()
			SendKeysPlus.hookSupported = False
				Dim pfnhook As CallBack = New CallBack(AddressOf SendKeysPlus.EmptyHookCallback)
				Dim handle As IntPtr = SetWindowsHookEx(1, _
				 pfnhook, New HandleRef(Nothing, GetModuleHandle(Nothing)), 0)
				SendKeysPlus.hookSupported = New Nullable(Of Boolean)((handle <> IntPtr.Zero))
				If (handle <> IntPtr.Zero) Then
					UnhookWindowsHookEx(New HandleRef(Nothing, handle))
				End If
			End Try
		End Sub

		Private Shared Sub UninstallJournalingHook()
			If (SendKeysPlus.hhook <> IntPtr.Zero) Then
				SendKeysPlus.stopHook = False
				If (Not Is Nothing) Then
				End If
				UnhookWindowsHookEx(New HandleRef(Nothing, SendKeysPlus.hhook))
				SendKeysPlus.hhook = IntPtr.Zero
			End If
		End Sub

		' Fields
		Private Const ALTKEYSCAN As Integer = &H400
		Private Shared capslockChanged As Boolean
		Private Const CTRLKEYSCAN As Integer = &H200
		Private Shared events As Queue
		Private Shared fStartNewChar As Boolean
		Private Const HAVEALT As Integer = 2
		Private Const HAVECTRL As Integer = 1
		Private Const HAVESHIFT As Integer = 0
		Private Shared hhook As IntPtr
		Private Shared hook As CallBack
		Private Shared hookSupported As Nullable(Of Boolean) = Nothing
		Private Shared kanaChanged As Boolean
		Private Shared keywords As KeywordVk() = _
		  New KeywordVk() {New KeywordVk("ENTER", 13), _
		  New KeywordVk("TAB", 9), New KeywordVk("ESC", &H1B), _
		  New KeywordVk("ESCAPE", &H1B), New KeywordVk("HOME", &H24), _
		  New KeywordVk("END", &H23), New KeywordVk("LEFT", &H25), _
		  New KeywordVk("RIGHT", &H27), New KeywordVk("UP", &H26), _
		  New KeywordVk("DOWN", 40), New KeywordVk("PGUP", &H21), _
		  New KeywordVk("PGDN", &H22), New KeywordVk("NUMLOCK", &H90), _
		  New KeywordVk("SCROLLLOCK", &H91), New KeywordVk("PRTSC", &H2C), _
		  New KeywordVk("BREAK", 3), New KeywordVk("BACKSPACE", 8), _
		  New KeywordVk("BKSP", 8), New KeywordVk("BS", 8), _
		  New KeywordVk("CLEAR", 12), New KeywordVk("CAPSLOCK", 20), _
		  New KeywordVk("INS", &H2D), New KeywordVk("INSERT", &H2D), _
		  New KeywordVk("DEL", &H2E), New KeywordVk("DELETE", &H2E), _
		  New KeywordVk("HELP", &H2F), New KeywordVk("F1", &H70), _
		  New KeywordVk("F2", &H71), New KeywordVk("F3", &H72), _
		  New KeywordVk("F4", &H73), New KeywordVk("F5", &H74), _
		  New KeywordVk("F6", &H75), New KeywordVk("F7", &H76), _
		  New KeywordVk("F8", &H77), New KeywordVk("F9", 120), _
		  New KeywordVk("F10", &H79), New KeywordVk("F11", &H7A), _
		  New KeywordVk("F12", &H7B), New KeywordVk("F13", &H7C), _
		  New KeywordVk("F14", &H7D), New KeywordVk("F15", &H7E), _
		  New KeywordVk("F16", &H7F), New KeywordVk("MULTIPLY", &H6A), _
		  New KeywordVk("ADD", &H6B), New KeywordVk("SUBTRACT", &H6D), _
		  New KeywordVk("DIVIDE", &H6F), New KeywordVk("+", &H6B), _
		  New KeywordVk("%", &H10035), New KeywordVk("^", &H10036)}
		Private Shared messageWindow As SKWindow
		Private Shared numlockChanged As Boolean
		Private Shared scrollLockChanged As Boolean
		Private Shared sendMethod As Nullable(Of SendMethodTypes) = Nothing
		Private Const SHIFTKEYSCAN As Integer = &H100
		Private Shared stopHook As Boolean
		Private Const UNKNOWN_GROUPING As Integer = 10

		' Nested Types
		Private Class KeywordVk
			' Methods
			Public Sub New(ByVal key As String, ByVal v As Integer)
				Me.keyword = key
				Me.vk = v
			End Sub

			' Fields
			Friend keyword As String
			Friend vk As Integer
		End Class

		Private Class SendKeysHookProc
			' Methods
			Public Overridable Function Callback(ByVal code As Integer, _
			 ByVal wparam As IntPtr, ByVal lparam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
				Dim [Structure] As EVENTMSG = _
				   DirectCast(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lparam, _
				   GetType(EVENTMSG)), EVENTMSG)
				If (GetAsyncKeyState(&H13) <> 0) Then
					SendKeysPlus.stopHook = True
				End If
				Select Case code
					Case 1
						Me.gotNextEvent = True
						Dim event2 As SKEvent = DirectCast(, SKEvent)
						[Structure].message = event2.wm
						[Structure].paramL = event2.paramL
						[Structure].paramH = event2.paramH
						[Structure].hwnd = event2.hwnd
						[Structure].time = GetTickCount()
						Marshal.StructureToPtr([Structure], lparam, True)
						Exit Select
					Case 2
						If Me.gotNextEvent Then
							If ((Not Is Nothing) _
							   AndAlso ( > 0)) Then
							End If
							SendKeysPlus.stopHook = _
							  (( Is Nothing) _
							  OrElse ( = 0))
						End If
						Exit Select
					Case Else
						If (code < 0) Then
							CallNextHookEx(New HandleRef(Nothing, SendKeysPlus.hhook), _
						code, wparam, lparam)
						End If
						Exit Select
				End Select
				If SendKeysPlus.stopHook Then
					Me.gotNextEvent = False
				End If
				Return IntPtr.Zero
			End Function

			' Fields
			Private gotNextEvent As Boolean
		End Class

		Public Enum SendMethodTypes
			' Fields
			[Default] = 1
			JournalHook = 2
			SendInput = 3
		End Enum

		Private Class SKEvent
			' Methods
			Public Sub New(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer, _
			 ByVal c As Boolean, ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _
			 ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
				Me.wm = a
				Me.paramL = b
				Me.paramH = If(c, 1, 0)
				Me.hwnd = hwnd = GetScanCode(b, ScanCodeMode)
				Me.ScanCodeMode = ScanCodeMode
			End Sub

			Public Sub New(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer, _
			 ByVal c As Integer, ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _
			 ByVal ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes)
				Me.wm = a
				Me.paramL = b
				Me.paramH = c
				Me.hwnd = hwnd = GetScanCode(b, ScanCodeMode)
				Me.ScanCodeMode = ScanCodeMode
			End Sub

			' Fields
			Friend hwnd As IntPtr
			Friend paramH As Integer
			Friend paramL As Integer
			Friend wm As Integer
			Friend sc As Integer
			Friend ScanCodeMode As ScanCodeModes
		End Class

		Private Class SKWindow
			Inherits Control
			' Methods
			Public Sub New()

				'MyBase.SetState(&H80000, True)
				'MyBase.SetState2(8, False)
				MyBase.SetBounds(-1, -1, 0, 0)
				MyBase.Visible = False
			End Sub

			Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
				If (m.Msg = &H4B) Then
					End Try
				End If
			End Sub

		End Class

	End Class
End Namespace

modified 1-Sep-18 13:21pm.

GeneralRe: Compiling with VS2010 Pin
Trinetra8-Oct-18 4:46
Trinetra8-Oct-18 4:46 
QuestionCan this be used with Python? Pin
Member 1379823525-Apr-18 8:49
Member 1379823525-Apr-18 8:49 
QuestionMissing Pin
hansoctantan7-May-15 0:10
professionalhansoctantan7-May-15 0:10 
QuestionHelp with your code Pin
WDRX27-May-14 9:15
WDRX27-May-14 9:15 
AnswerRe: Help with your code Pin
Maryanela3-Oct-14 3:18
Maryanela3-Oct-14 3:18 
QuestionCiao Andrewiski Pin
brufab2-May-14 3:49
brufab2-May-14 3:49 
QuestionThe source code is missing something Pin
Member 101355439-Apr-14 3:23
Member 101355439-Apr-14 3:23 
QuestionAbout adding this class to vba... Pin
Sim_9918-Dec-13 3:38
Sim_9918-Dec-13 3:38 
AnswerRe: About adding this class to vba... Pin
Tom P. Member 1051955412-Jan-14 9:40
Tom P. Member 1051955412-Jan-14 9:40 
GeneralRe: About adding this class to vba... Pin
Sim_9914-Jan-14 3:57
Sim_9914-Jan-14 3:57 
Questionit doesn't work Pin
softboy9923-May-12 21:37
softboy9923-May-12 21:37 
AnswerRe: it doesn't work Pin
Andrewiski21-Aug-12 10:52
Andrewiski21-Aug-12 10:52 
Generalhi, can you send me thist project please it is didn't work. Pin
mixtapes16-Jan-12 7:12
mixtapes16-Jan-12 7:12 

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