Nice solution agent154, I'd just suggest to implement it as extension methods for data row: (and I don't liked your "error reporting" with the '0' Value - because '0' could be a valid index). But I have to say, even if you don't have a database behind the datatable you can use sorting (LINQ, ...) to put the rows in the correct sequence. But, for your example you have given in the comments (recipe) I would add an "ingredient number" to the datamodel (xml) and sort it while filling the datatable (or if files are deserialized as they are, while serializing)
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
namespace MoveRow
static class ExtensionMethods
const int m_iNO_MOVE_OCCURED = -1;
public static int MoveRowUp(this DataRow row)
DataTable dtParent = row.Table;
int iOldRowIndex = dtParent.Rows.IndexOf(row);
DataRow newRow = dtParent.NewRow();
newRow.ItemArray = row.ItemArray;
if (iOldRowIndex < dtParent.Rows.Count)
dtParent.Rows.InsertAt(newRow, iOldRowIndex + 1);
return dtParent.Rows.IndexOf(newRow);
return m_iNO_MOVE_OCCURED;
public static int MoveRowDown(this DataRow row)
DataTable dtParent = row.Table;
int iOldRowIndex = dtParent.Rows.IndexOf(row);
DataRow newRow = dtParent.NewRow();
newRow.ItemArray = row.ItemArray;
if (iOldRowIndex > 0)
dtParent.Rows.InsertAt(newRow, iOldRowIndex - 1);
return dtParent.Rows.IndexOf(newRow);
return m_iNO_MOVE_OCCURED;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(int));
dt.Rows.Add("Row1", 1);
dt.Rows.Add("Row2", 2);
dt.Rows.Add("Row3", 3);
dt.Rows.Add("Row4", 4);
dt.Rows.Add("Row5", 5);
DataRow row = dt.Rows[3];
int iResult = row.MoveRowDown();
Console.WriteLine("After move down");
static void WriteRows(DataTable dt)
StringBuilder sbHeader = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
sbHeader.Append(String.Format("{0}\t\t", column.ColumnName));
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
StringBuilder sbLine = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
sbLine.Append(String.Format("{0}\t\t", row[column]));