I wanted to add a thin, grey line down the middle of a splitter control split handle (the bar down the middle that separates the two panels and lets the user change the ratio displayed). So, I needed the center of the Splitter rectangle:
private void splitContainer_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
SplitContainer sc = sender as SplitContainer;
if (sc != null)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
if (sc.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical)
(sc.SplitterRectangle.Left + sc.SplitterRectangle.Right) / 2,
(sc.SplitterRectangle.Left + sc.SplitterRectangle.Right) / 2,
(sc.SplitterRectangle.Top + sc.SplitterRectangle.Bottom) / 2,
(sc.SplitterRectangle.Top + sc.SplitterRectangle.Bottom) / 2);
But that is messy, and difficult to read.
A much more readable version would be:
private void splitContainer_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
SplitContainer sc = sender as SplitContainer;
if (sc != null)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
if (sc.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical)
g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, sc.SplitterRectangle.CenterTop(), sc.SplitterRectangle.CenterBottom());
g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, sc.SplitterRectangle.CenterLeft(), sc.SplitterRectangle.CenterRight());
All I had to do was add some static methods to my StaticMethods utility controls class:
using System.Drawing;
namespace UtilityControls
public static class StaticMethods
public static Point Center(this Rectangle r)
return new Point((r.Left + r.Right) / 2, (r.Top + r.Bottom) / 2);
public static Point CenterRight(this Rectangle r)
return new Point(r.Right, (r.Top + r.Bottom) / 2);
public static Point CenterLeft(this Rectangle r)
return new Point(r.Left, (r.Top + r.Bottom) / 2);
public static Point CenterBottom(this Rectangle r)
return new Point((r.Left + r.Right) / 2, r.Bottom);
public static Point CenterTop(this Rectangle r)
return new Point((r.Left + r.Right) / 2, r.Top);
Using the code
Just add the file and use the new Rectangle.Center, Rectangle.CenterLeft and so forth methods.
Keep a running update of any changes or improvements you've
made here.