Sometimes a cumulation of values is needed in a program. A typical example is calculation of cumulative sum. Here are few examples how to handle data cumulatively with LINQ.
Cumulative sum
A typical need is to calculate a cumulative sum. The LINQ doesn't directly have a method to do this, but by building a small extension method, this can be easily done.
The following extension method calculates cumulative sum for decimal numbers:
public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> CumulativeSum(
this System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> numbers) {
decimal summedNumber = 0;
foreach (decimal number in numbers) {
summedNumber = summedNumber + number;
yield return summedNumber;
The above code iterates through all the decimal numbers in the collection and for each iteration it calculates the current cumulative sum and returns it using the yield keyword.
To test the functionality let's sum some numbers:
decimal[] numbers = new decimal[] { 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 };
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The cumulative sum contains the following results");
foreach (decimal partialSum in numbers.CumulativeSum()) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" - {0}", partialSum);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The cumulative sum total is {0}", numbers.CumulativeSum().Last());
Running the code above would produce the following to the output window of Visual Studio:
The cumulative sum contains the following results
- 1
- 4
- 9
- 16
- 27
The cumulative sum total is 27
Cumulating strings
Cumulating string values is basically the same as with numbers, so let's take a bit different kind of example.
Using the String.Split method it's easy to break a path into separate directories. But if you need to know all the valid paths in a given path, you can split the original path and then use a cumulative extension method to concatenate the directories.
public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> CumulativePath(
this System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> pathPart) {
System.Text.StringBuilder concatenated = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
foreach (string part in pathPart) {
if (concatenated.Length != 0) {
yield return concatenated.ToString();
The idea is almost the same as with summing the numbers. The minor difference is that since now we're playing with paths, a path separator (\
) is added between directories.
To test this, consider the following
string somePath = @"C:\Some directory\Some subdirectory\Somefile.txt";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The path contains the following parts");
foreach (string partialPath in somePath.Split('\\').CumulativePath()) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" - '{0}'", new object[] { partialPath });
Running this would produce the following output
The path contains the following parts
- 'C:'
- 'C:\Some directory'
- 'C:\Some directory\Some subdirectory'
- 'C:\Some directory\Some subdirectory\Somefile.txt'
For example if you have a path to a file and you want to test which of the directories are valid or accessible you could use a code like
string somePath2 = @"C:\Windows\Some non-existent directory\Some non-existent file.txt";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("The path parts are valid as follows");
foreach (string partialPath in somePath2.Split('\\').AllButLast().CumulativePath()) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" - '{0}' does exist: {1}",
This would result to
The path parts are valid as follows
- 'C:' does exist: True
- 'C:\Windows' does exist: True
- 'C:\Windows\Some non-existent directory' does exist: False
July 26, 2012: Tip created.