This article discusses how to apply animation on the WPF window load event to give notification bar like effect.
In this article I am using the DoubleAnimation and StoryBoard Class of the WPF for creating sliding window animation.
Using the code
Firstly, we have to set window at the left bottom of the screen.
Now, we have to create DoubleAnimation to change the apparence of the windows at runtime.
using using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
DoubleAnimation doubleanimation = new DoubleAnimation();
doubleanimation .To = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight - (this.Height+50);
doubleanimation .From = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight;
doubleanimation .AutoReverse = false;
and now create a StoryBoard object.
Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard();
Next step is to set target and targetproperty of the StoryBoard.
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(doubleanimation, new PropertyPath(Window.TopProperty));
Here SetTarget and SetTargetProperty are the static methods of the Storyboard and Window.TopProperty is the property which I use to slide
the window from bottom to up in a animated manner.
Now, just add doubleanimation to storyboard and start animation.
Points of Interest
We can use any property of the window to generate different type of animations.