This article is about to explain what is Null-Coalescing operator (??
) and how
to use it in your program. This is intended for beginners since basic knowledge
about C#/Javascript is mandatory here.
"A nullable type can contain a value, or it can be undefined. The
?? operator defines the default value to be returned when a nullable
type is assigned to a non-nullable type. If you try to assign a nullable value type
to a non-nullable value type without using the ?? operator, you will generate a
compile-time error. If you use a cast, and the nullable value type is currently
undefined, an exception will be thrown."
So this is how I got an idea to write an article, When I was analysing the application
for enhancement accidentally I came to see ??
operator. I astonished and too curious
to know what is this operator means here(Initially I thought its typo error ;-)
My bad).Then I started to dig about this operator and I want to share it here so
that it may be useful for many people.
Using the code
A simple if
condition will help you to understand the why we are going for ??
Initially I have declared
string firstName = null;
string lastName = "Prabakar";
string initials = "RK";
string output= string.Empty;
By using if
condition to get not nullable value from FirstName,LastName and Initials
I need to write like the below code
if (FirstName != null) {
output = FirstName;
} else if(LastName != null) {
output = LastName;
} else {
output = Initials;
Now after checking the condition, lastName = "Prabakar"
will be assigned to output
This can be written as
output = firstName ?? lastName ?? initials;
Now in output variable you will get "Prabakar" which means it will return not
nullable value to the variable.
Now if the lastName is assigned as string.empty instead of "Prabakar" and lets
see what you get in output variable
lastName = string.empty;
output = firstName ?? lastName ?? initials;
After executing this line in output variable you will have empty string (""
) which
is not null. Which denotes that ??
operator will return not nullable string from left to right
Now lets change lastName to Null and lets see what happens to output variable
lastName = null;
output = firstName ?? lastName ?? initials;
Now in output variable, you will get initials("RK") as return value.Since firstName
and lastName are null,intials alone has string value so it is returned to output.
Why string is manipulated here, why cannot other data types, yeah lets try that
too and see what happens
int x = null;
int y= 10;
int z = 5;
int outputInt = x ?? y ?? z;
compiler would be not happy to process the above code, and throws the following
Operator '??' cannot be applied to operands of type 'int' and 'int'
Which denotes it is not applicable to Not Null-able Int datatype.
Here is how we can use ?? operator over Int
int n = 10;
int? x = null;
int? z = x ?? n;
Thanks to Nicholas Marty for his suggestion on Nullable-Int( Int? )
Lets make compiler happy by altering the code instead of int we use object
object x = null;
object y = 10;
object z = 5;
object output = x ?? y ?? z;
Now we have made compiler happy ;-)
Okay we move further and ask the compiler whether it can handle methods in ??
string result = myMethod() ?? "Default value";
Definitely we have made compiler happy.
In the above code we are trying to assign return value from myMethod(), if its
null then without any delay "Default value" should be assigned to result variable.
Advantages of using ?? operator
- Code is well organized and readable.
- If you are handling with session, configuration values it will be more helpful
to assign alternate values to the variables.