Over the years features, shortcuts and outright Easter Eggs have made their way into the system. As tricks and tips are added or discovered please add them here.
Your account
See Article formatting tips for CodeProject for article-related tips.
The forums
- When posting a message that mentions another user, you can reference that user using @user-name or @[Display Name] in the message. The reference will be automatically linked to their profile and an email will be sent to them alerting them that they have been mentioned
- When referring to a CodeProject article in a message, just paste the URL of the article into the editor and it will be replaced with a link to the article, with the message text set as the title of the article.
- Use keystrokes to navigate: Ctrl+Left/Right to switch messages, Ctrl+Up/Down to switch threads, Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right to switch pages
- If Profile popups are enabled (at the top of the forum - check the "Profile Popup' checkbox and click update) then when you hover over a name you see their profile summary
- Get a daily summary of the new posts to a forum by clicking the "Subscribe" button at the top right of each forum
- Konami code. This is left as an exercise for the reader.