Switch statement alternative using Func type
Using the code
You can use a Dictionary to create a mapping of Condition => Action.
class Programm
static void Main()
Func<int, bool> Default = (x=> true);
var myNum = 1200;
var cases = new Dictionary<Func<int, bool>, Action>
{ x => x < 3 , () => Console.WriteLine("Smaler than 3") } ,
{ x => x < 30 , () => Console.WriteLine("Smaler than 30") } ,
{ x => x < 300 , () => Console.WriteLine("Smaler than 300") },
{ Default, () => Console.WriteLine("Default case") }
cases.First(kvp => kvp.Key(myNum)).Value();
This technique is not a general alternative to switch statement.
Suppose you have a workflow system that is required to perform validation of a data item. Different validation routines are executed based upon some state of the data being processed. Using this technique means
a) You do not have a switch statement with over 100 case statements - very difficult to read.
b) You do not have to include conditional logic in the case statement for each validation routine - very difficult to maintain.
c) You can offload the validation routines and conditional logic into a database where the customer can then update when a validation routine executes as per their requirements - very flexible.
Thanks for the comments @John B. Oliver