We had to need for a server that would run many small web applications from C#, VB, ROR, PHP. Our admins have some Linux experience, but it would help us all out if it would be on Windows. So I set out on a quest to see if this could be done. Many frustrating days later I was able to get a working instance running.
Steps to follow
First of all you should have NO spaces in any of your path names. This article is also assuming your are installing Ruby 2.0.0-p481 (x64) and DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe on Windows Server 2012 x64.
- To ensure there are no conflicts make sure there is no entry about ruby in your default path environment variables. This will all be set with in the Helicon Zoo.
- Downlaod and install the Ruby installer and DevKit at . Installing Ruby seperately is not required if you are happy with the older version that is installed with Helicon Zoo.
- Installed Ruby 2.0 x64 and devkit x64 (They are two different downloads on the installer site.) This is because Helicon does not come with the latest version of Ruby.
- Do the default install (Nothing checked)
- Copy or extract the devkit (you will have to create this folder) extracted files into c:\{Ruby files}\devkit
- "Install Devkit". Ruby must know that the DevKit exist, so it must be installed. If it is not installed you will get errors later on about gems requiring build tools. (
- Open up the ruby console. The console will not be an option if there is an existing install of Ruby, so you should uninstall other versions prior to this one.
- cd C:\{ruby install dir}\DevKit
- "ruby dk.rb init"
- "ruby dk.rb review"
- If this throws an error about invalid config.yml edit the file in your c:\{ruby folder}\DevKit and enter "- c:/{ruby folder}" at the bottom of the file. (note the forward slash)
- "ruby dk.rb install" (now when you need to compile something it will know where devkit is.)
- Install the web platform installer 5.0 (
- Add the custom feed of "". This step is shown here:
- Add Ruby project and click install. (This can take several minutes depending on your connection and speed of your computer.)
- At the end of the install it will end on the Configure section, just accept the default options. This will give you something to play with.
- Close the web installer when done.
- Open up Helicon Zoo manager from the applications and click "applicationHost.config" (It's a tab at the top). Find the engines tag and add a new user engine at the after <\engines>. Make sure to save the change and choose refresh at the top of the window then close.
<add name="ruby.2.0x64.rack" displayName="Ruby 2.0 x64 rack" fullPath="%SystemDrive%\Ruby200-x64\bin\ruby.exe" arguments="%SystemDrive%\Zoo\Workers\ruby\zoorack.rb" transport="NamedPipe" protocol="fastcgi">
<add name="HOME" value="%APPL_PHYSICAL_SHORT_PATH%" />
<add name="GEM_PATH" value="%GEM_HOME%" />
<add name="Path" value="%GEM_HOME%\bin;%SystemDrive%\Ruby200-x64\bin;%SystemDrive%\Ruby200-x64\devkit\bin;%Path%" />
<add name="RACK_ENV" value="production" />
<add name="SECRET_KEY_BASE" value="" />
- The engine should be added any time a new version of ruby comes out.
- Close the Zoo manager and go to IIS and Add a new application under the default website. (Do NOT name it test. This is reserved in ruby)
- In IIS right click default website and add application. The alias should be all lower case (I have noticed this is case sensitive). Set the physical path.
- Set the path to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\{Your app name here, no spaces}
- Make sure to set the proper rights to the folder. Grant write access to "IIS_IUSRS" to the folder. This should be temporary and removed once you are done with configuration.
- Open up Helicon zoo with in the site that was created (You will see the Zoo icon in IIS).
- Add a new application
- Name it "Ruby.2.0.rack" (Not sure if the name really matters.)
- Select the engine that was created in the config file.
- Ensure you have the environment variables RACK_ENV=production,RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=%APPL_VIRTUAL_PATH%,SECRET_KEY_BASE
- The variables should of been copied over from the custom engine that was added.
- Click Apply and the next Apply.
- Click your App name in the site list on the far left, this will cause Helicon Zoo to refresh enabling the Web Console.
- Navigate back to Zoo icon and click Start webconsole. If the webconsole ever hanges close any instances of IIS Worker Process to restore it.
- At the Web console
- type in "gem install rails" (this can take a while 10+ minutes) If you get a permissions issue you forgot to allow access to IIS_IUSRS.
- If you get errors about "unable to convert X from ASCII-IBIT to UTF-8..."
- try "gem install rdoc" then "gem rdoc --all --overwrite" (
- Copy your project over now or run "rails new ." to create a new rails app.
- "bundle install" and your new rails app is ready
- Navigate to http://localhost/{Your app name using the SAME case as what is in IIS}
- If you get an error about key missing for production
- Generate the secret key for production by typing "rake secret", once you have the ky go back to the environment variables and fill in SECRET_KEY_BASE.
- If you get an error about "DataSourceNotFound" (
- Edit your existing gem file and replace your "gem 'tzinfo-data'" line with "gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw]". Note that you are adding ":x64_mingw"
- Run "bundle update" on the console window
- If you run into issues about your JS files having scripting issues or you notice none of your static files are be served / not found then try this: (
- Modify your config/environments/production.rb and set config.serve_static_assets to true.
- For this to work though, they must be precompiled.
Here are some notes I had when connecting my ROR project to SQL Server. (
- gem install tiny_tds
gem install activerecord-sqlserver-adapter
- Modify your database.yml with the connection information outlined in the link above.
- The database connection changes require a site restart. I think you can just Kill the instance of the Ruby Interperter too.
- If you have issues with division specifically money. I had to add ".to_d" to the calculated fields because they were being treated as integers.
Points of Interest
I ran into so many issues trying to get this working. I did try Ubuntu and CentOS and found random issues with it too, so this is not isolated to Windows. Granted I wanted to use RVM in the Linux distrbutions. This woudl allow me to run various versions of Rails or Ruby. I feel that using Helicon Zoo with ROR is far superior allowing you to mix and match Ruby and Rails and are 100% isolated from each other.
- 08/08/14 - Initial release of instructions.