Hex Counter code to calculate the number of characters duplicate.
The program for the identification of duplicate code (2 bytes) and build a compression algorithm written.
It can quickly read hex numbers and count the number of duplicates. It may be useful to you.
Using the Code
Call all void
in button with openFileDialog
ofd.Title = "Hex";
ofd.Filter = "Text Normal|*.txt|Text INF|*.inf";
if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
Load_file(ofd.FileName, listBox1, true); Counter_hex(listBox1, listBox2); Benchmark.End(); double seconds = Benchmark.GetSeconds(); MessageBox.Show(seconds.ToString());
Calculate hex and add to list:
public void Counter_hex(ListBox list1, ListBox list2)
_temp = list1.Items[0].ToString(); int _temp2 = 1;
for (int h = 1; h <= list1.Items.Count - 1; h++) {
for (int i = 0; i <= list1.Items.Count - 1; i++) {
if (_temp == list1.Items[i].ToString())
list2.Items.Add(_temp + "=" + ((_temp2 - h)).ToString() +
"|" + _temp2.ToString() + "-" + h.ToString());
if (_temp2 < list1.Items.Count)
int b = _temp2;
_temp = list1.Items[b].ToString();
h = _temp2 - 1;
Load File with FileStream
and BinaryReader
I use ListBox
for sample, but you can use:
List<string> list = new List<string>; </string>
private void Load_file(string Address_file,ListBox add,bool sort)
FileStream magic = new FileStream(Address_file,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read);
BinaryReader magic2 = new BinaryReader(magic);
int _length = (int) magic.Length;
for (int i = 0; i <= _length - 2; i++)
//3 way i tested for speed reading with array[]
//add.Items.Add(cp[i].ToString() + cp[i+1].ToString()); //(char)
// add.Items.Add(Convert.ToChar(magic2.Read()).ToString());
//add.Items.Add(Convert.ToChar(magic2.Read()).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(magic2.PeekChar()));
add.Items.Add((char)(magic2.Read()) + Convert.ToChar(magic2.PeekChar()).ToString());
// sorted text option
if (sort==true)
add.Sorted = true;