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New Year's Resolutions

26 Dec 2005 to 1 Jan 2006 What are your New Years resolutions for 2006?

Text entry answers for sorted by frequency of occurrance.

(2) get a job
(2) Make More Money
(2) To find new job
(1) To not resolve
(1) To stop... um... oh yeah, procrastinating :-)
(1) To try and make it to 2007
(1) tranfer
(1) treeview
(1) Try to maintain a notes of every penny i spend, each day
(1) vcd cutter
(1) vxworks
(1) win the lottery... :-)
(1) Won't waste my time with senseless polls
(1) Work less & have more fun.
(1) write some more articles
(1) marry the love of my life
(1) Meditate More
(1) More Sex
(1) No more CP!
(1) none
(1) Not answering any poll with CListCtrl
(1) not be so lazy / do things now rather than tomorrow
(1) Not make any resolutions
(1) Not make resolutions
(1) Not to make any promises I can't keep.
(1) Nothing
(1) Nothing at all
(1) Ondestroy
(1) P.E.A.C.E
(1) payroll
(1) Play more guitar!
(1) quit smoking
(1) Quit smoking (again) ~:-|/
(1) Quit smoking~blah blah...
(1) remoting
(1) sanandeeac
(1) Save my allowance and buy .38 special revolver
(1) Sleep Better
(1) sleep better, save more money
(1) Smoke better cigarettes
(1) source code of remote desktop control
(1) Start a new better life
(1) Start Learn C# ,Became Expert in C#
(1) Start my own business
(1) stl code
(1) Stop Answering Every Poll with ClistCtr
(1) Stop putting "CListCtrl" in for Code Project Polls
(1) Stop responding to stupid online polls.
(1) stop swearing
(1) Stop trying to get my employeer to do anything
(1) Study harder
(1) Switch from MFC to wxWidgets so my stuff will run on linux.
(1) tcl
(1) get a job on .net platform
(1) Get laid
(1) Get more serious about my yoga practice
(1) get some freinds
(1) Give up booze
(1) Grow
(1) Grow up and be serious
(1) hasve sex regularly
(1) Have sex with a new women monthly
(1) I want to improve my programming skills..... I want to improve my health also
(1) Improve projectmanagement skills
(1) java sourcecode
(1) JPEG parameter struct mismatch
(1) Learn Python Programming Language
(1) less Code Project
(1) make love to claudia shiffer
(1) "Exercise regularly" & "Upgrade to Visual Studio 2005" & "Backup my data regularly" & "Not post programming questions in the Lounge"
(1) 1280*1024
(1) 1600 x 1200
(1) actually sell all the software I've been writing in my spare time
(1) be better in programming
(1) CListCtrl
(1) codes
(1) continue ignoring this ".NET" thing
(1) Create better documentation
(1) crystal reports
(1) Cut down from 7 mountain dews a day to only 3
(1) debentures
(1) direct input c#
(1) Do not quit [insert addiction of choice]
(1) downloading
(1) Drink heavily
(1) earn more =D
(1) Eat, drink whatever it did'nt help last I should at least enjoy it.
(1) excecute statement
(1) Fart
(1) Find a new job
(1) find new Girl Friend :)
(1) finish all major projects on my house
(1) float to int
(1) form desinger
(1) fucking my fucking code
(1) get a girlfriend
(1) Get a girlfriend!