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Which Company is doing the most good for Software Developers?

12 May 2008 to 19 May 2008 Microsoft provides great tools, Google provides great data and Apple provides a great excuse to buy a new gadget. Which company, however, does more to make Software Development a better profession? (use whatever definition of "better" suits you)

Text entry answers for sorted by frequency of occurrance.

(5) CListCtrl
(3) Coca-Cola
(2) Code Project
(2) c++
(2) none
(2) SAP
(2) Mozilla
(1) Mozilla, Infosys
(1) Servion global Solution
(1) Starbucks
(1) those who provide work :-)
(1) Trolltech/Qt
(1) Whole Tomato
(1) WholeTomato
(1) Wife, Inc.
(1) yashsoftech
(1) None of the above
(1) None.
(1) Novell - the mono team
(1) Playboy
(1) Red Gate
(1) rtsp
(1) calling C dll
(1) Adobe
(1) Any Company Taht Employs Me
(1) AOL
(1) Codejock
(1) CP
(1) Digital Mars
(1) HCL
(1) iSOFT plc
(1) Linux
(1) Mountain Dew