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Who has the most influence in your company or organisation?

23 Mar 2009 to 30 Mar 2009 Real or percieved: Who can make things happen when they need to?

Text entry answers for sorted by frequency of occurrance.

(7) CListCtrl
(2) Our biggest client
(2) The Owner
(2) The Salespeople (and I use 'people' loosely)
(1) the stockholders
(1) The stupidest person. Usually one of the the high level manager who couldn't do anyone elses job but every else could do his
(1) the VP of engineering
(1) There Is No Company
(1) There's only 2 of us :-)
(1) Thge admin assistants
(1) US Secretary of HHS - the name is unimportant
(1) We all work together
(1) The Person who is least suitable for ensuring sucess!
(1) The person with the best ideas
(1) The person with the biggest, spikiest stick
(1) The richest person
(1) The sales monkeys (including CEO + loudest person + most evil)
(1) ...and that would be me ;)
(1) 1 of 4
(1) A cluster f*(*k of the first order - let me know if you find out
(1) a useless project manager
(1) Chuck Norris
(1) Clients
(1) Our VP. (More general 1st option - executive mgmt)
(1) Owner
(1) Product Manager
(1) Program Managers
(1) Regional Directors
(1) Salvador Dali
(1) Satan
(1) Senior Business Person
(1) Senor Salesman
(1) SNMP
(1) Some accountant in another city who has never fired a rocket.
(1) sr executive director of engineering
(1) Team Leader
(1) the ASS kisser
(1) The client
(1) The custodian
(1) The Customer
(1) The Director of Finance
(1) the excellent liar
(1) the guy with an axe and a case of beer
(1) The head cheese
(1) The most popular person
(1) The Most Stubborn Person
(1) consultor
(1) CPianoCtrl
(1) Darth Vader
(1) Department VPs
(1) Depends on the department
(1) I have no idea
(1) Marketing
(1) Me & CEO
(1) Mickey Mouse
(1) Mr. Tweaky
(1) my boss
(1) My manager
(1) My project manager/boss
(1) No idea. My company is too big for me to see what is going on at the top
(1) No one
(1) Nobody. We are a floundering Titanic.
(1) Not sure
(1) One who knows his/her job to the core