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You're stuck on a programming problem. What do you do first?

13 Jun 2011 to 20 Jun 2011 We've all hit that stumbling point. Do you dig in deep, go get a copy, or go online and tap into the collective wisdom?

Text entry answers for sorted by frequency of occurrance.

(4) All of the above
(3) Bacon
(2) CListCtrl
(1) Code Project
(1) Code Urgentz!!!
(1) CODEPROJECT! (of course)
(1) Curse, scream, yell....and drink. A lot.
(1) Explain the problem to an amateur
(1) Go Golfing
(1) Gratutious Response: Inquire at code project
(1) I usually ask some nice people in The Longe.
(1) Improve observability and gather the facts.
(1) It depends on many factors...
(1) Make a cuppa
(1) Perform "due diligence" myself (including reading, again); then ask colleague; finally online searching
(1) ponder && ruminate ,then -> read book
(1) Post spec on Code Project with 'Plz sendz the codez, urgentz'
(1) Put it aside. Usually the answer appears in a dream the following night. Either that or when im in the shower, or the WC.
(1) Put on the headphones, close my eyes and enjoy some Delta Blues. At some point, the answer will present itself.
(1) Search online / Read the docs / Take a break / Waste time /.Procrastinate, etc
(1) Sex with Satan
(1) Sleep on it
(1) start drawing the problem
(1) Tell'em it can't be done.
(1) turn up the volume on AC/DC or the Stones
(1) CBaconListCtrl
(1) A combination of the above answers...
(1) add more coffee!
(1) all above
(1) All of the above and more.
(1) All of the above depending on the problem
(1) All of the above!
(1) All of the above.
(1) All of the above. This survey should be multi-choice or even in an order of priority.
(1) All og above. depends upon situation
(1) All other mention in above list, based on problem's persistency
(1) All the above
(1) All the above in pretty much that order