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Comments by BaSs_HaXoR (Top 5 by date)

BaSs_HaXoR 18-Sep-14 5:20am View    
Yes, I'm positive the .dll is native. And an entry point is where control enters a program or piece of code. (wikied) And i know what has to be done, i just don't know how to do it. I know i have to load the dll and call the function... but don't know how to do that in CLI C++ with an Entrypoint. :/
BaSs_HaXoR 18-Sep-14 5:14am View    
It might have something to do with the .dll, but i can't even run it to get an exception... The program just force-closes/Breaks. I'm trying to do this in CLI C++, but the GetProcAddress doesn't allow the ability to set the Entrypoint... But you say it finds the Entrypoint? Because without the Entrypoint on the previous version this code works fine, but on the updated version of the library they're is an Entrypoint and forcecloses without it.

Idk. I've been working on this for hours on end. :|
BaSs_HaXoR 18-Sep-14 1:56am View    
Yea, i thought about doing that, but figured that their should be an easier way. Just by calling the function. And also, what about the Entrypoint? How would i get past that?

Thanks for helping.
BaSs_HaXoR 8-Aug-14 14:23pm View    
Formally? I'm still don't quite understand. Your acting like you want me to accept it as an answer, without actually allowing me to understand how to make this work or even code this. I appreciate you trying to help, and i will accept a solution, that actually solves my issue. I am researching this, but have no clue on how to go about this still. I have never used the hashAlgorithm class before, and definitly don't know how to use it for getting the password box to set. Thanks.

I really do appreciate the help. I just have never done this before and would feel enlightened for how to do this.
BaSs_HaXoR 8-Aug-14 10:50am View    
Thank you for your response and possible solution. Although, I'm not really worried about the security part of it at the moment. I just want it to work, for personal purposes. Although, security is important, i feel it's not very important for what I'm making this for. You say the password can be sent in the form of "cryptographic hash function". How hard would this method be and could i go about this using tamper data to get the hash?