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Comments by Member 10808329 (Top 12 by date)

Member 10808329 29-Jan-15 3:05am View    
Thank you for your help.
If i want to consider penalty for the model that predict the wrong outcome, what is actual outcome? it is the output for instance in trainig dataset(target)?
In other word, the penalty considers while the models create(in training model) then in testing we accept the outcome of model that have best prediction?
Member 10808329 7-Oct-14 6:42am View    
Thank you so much ,finally it works .
I really appreciate your help and attention.
Member 10808329 4-Oct-14 1:41am View    
As i said, i fill my dataset by query at first and after that i define datatables and merge i understand my crystal report fill by this query not datatables when i comment this line: ds = cls.Search_Cust_Bill_RPT(ArrStr(0)) it say i cant find table(0) but with this line crystal fill. it seems visual dosen not understand the atatables that i add to dataset
Member 10808329 4-Oct-14 1:31am View    
Yes ,I explain you all of steps that i did:
I create two table adapter in my data set and in crystal report i add two table adapter and link them with customer_no.after that i drag and drop my necessary my code behind.i define a instance of my first i fill dataset by query after that define two datatable and merge them to my dataset .but i dont know why it can not find my tables
Member 10808329 2-Oct-14 3:10am View    
i create new project but there is same error cannot find table 1
' Dim rptDoc As New ReportDocument
Dim ds As New DataSet("DS_CustomerTransaction")
Dim dt As New DataTable
dt.TableName = "CustomerBill"
Dim dat As New DataTable
dat.TableName = "PurchaseBill"
ds = cls.Search_Cust_Bill_RPT(ArrStr(0))
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptDoc