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Comments by Dave the Golfer (Top 46 by date)

Dave the Golfer 23-Apr-21 4:54am View    
Maciej Los Thanks for your solution. All is now working. Wrote the original program some 4 years ago. Have not used since then and even then I taught myself using the internet as a hobby since retiring.
Dave the Golfer 10-Jan-20 6:12am View    
When I checked my colleagues PC I found that he had the DLL loaded. But it was in C:\Windows\assembly directory. Whereas, on my PC it was in another directory; C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel\
My first thought was to add the sub-directories to his C:\Windows\assembly but his PC would not allow me to create the sub-directories.
Is there a way in Visual Studio 17 to put the DLL in the bin directory and reference it, so I can add the dll to the equivalent directory in Program Files(X86)?
Dave the Golfer 6-Jan-20 17:53pm View    
Dave the Golfer 30-May-19 12:46pm View    
Thanks for that . I have realised that HCID is a variable that is set to the ID so does not require "".
earlier JavaScript sets var HCID = 'PHC'+i;
The element ids are PHC1 PHC2 etc
Dave the Golfer 27-Feb-19 13:40pm View    
Tried these links earlier but could not fathom the syntax. Thanks for the help.