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Comments by Member 11491784 (Top 32 by date)

Member 11491784 4-Sep-19 5:23am View    
Member 11491784 24-Aug-16 10:58am View    
Hi I am unable to use because its saying that run is not memebr of System.Threading.Tasks
taskList.Add(Task.Run( instead of this I am using this

And also Await Task.WhenAll(taskList) is not available

Can i use somthing liek this Dim results As IList(Of IList(Of String)) = Await Task.WaitAll(taskList)
Member 11491784 29-Jan-16 3:01am View    
I have a sliding panel which slides towards left and this panel is in left div. And then I have right div. So, I want to slide the right div when left div slides towards left.
Member 11491784 12-Aug-15 9:46am View    
Worked thanks
Member 11491784 4-Aug-15 5:41am View    
CommandName ="Delete" UseSubmitBehavior ="false" CommandArgument="<%# Container.ItemIndex.ToString()%>"
I added this bit in html to get command name and command argument.

And i am also handling the same in vb
For Each myitem As RepeaterItem In rptDatabaseItinerary.Items
Dim id As Button = CType(myitem.FindControl("btnDeleteSector"), Button)
If id.CommandName = "Delete" Then
// do stuff

End if


e.command argument is also coming with unique id, But how can I know which button i pressed. Is there any event you know?
Because there can be many rows and rows id they are created at run time