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Comments by Member 11768554 (Top 2 by date)

Member 11768554 8-Oct-16 3:05am View    
BOOL fsuccess=CreateProcess(NULL,//lpApplicationName
pathexe, //lpCommanderLine
NULL, //lpProcessAttributes
NULL, //lpThreadAttributes
FALSE, //bInheritHandles
NULL, //lpEnvironment
NULL, //lpCurrentDirectory
&sinfo, //lpStartupInfo
&pinfo); //lpProcessInformation
// wait for NotePad finishes
HANDLE hProcess=pinfo.hProcess;
CloseHandle(pinfo.hThread);// close thread at once
if (bWait)
DWORD dw = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess,INFINITE);
if (dw !=WAIT_FAILED)
DWORD dwExitCode;
if (dwExitCode==STILL_ACTIVE) AfxMessageBox("IDS_NOTEPAD_ALIVE");


when I debug "DWORD dw = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess,INFINITE);" . it will wait infinite, though another program open sucessfully. When I close loading program, it can goto next line.
Member 11768554 16-Jun-15 5:24am View    
if(DesignMode) return;
What is DesignMode? How can I do this, in my project?