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Comments by desanti (Top 5 by date)

desanti 14-Jan-24 13:06pm View    
At least i've tried to calculate code Density , you only have talked ans talked useless moral words without giving at least an idea about the solution of the problem. Maybe you should change your profession , try to make the psychologist , you can help people.
desanti 13-Jan-24 19:31pm View    
Yes , you've found it. Someone will pay me 1 million dollars only to solve this problem. Please give me your bank account so we divide this sum , and after show me your solution for this problem.
desanti 7-Jan-24 13:35pm View    
so if i understand , the code would be PUSH B , PUSH A , DIV ?
desanti 7-Jan-24 13:25pm View    
Yes , i've already read that article. But the sample that he's using is about + and * where the order of operand is not important. I've not found any aticle that has a sample with / and -.
desanti 6-Jan-24 20:48pm View    
I have no documentation. I have an comlicated expression to calculate on a stack based cpu with 0 address instruction, but the only problem that i have is the order of arguments for DIV and SUB. But i think if Stack work as LIFO , to get A/B we should do PUSH B , PUSH A , DIV . Because in this order A is on the top of stack and is used as first value.???? But i'm not sure if this is true.