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Comments by Member 14711713 (Top 5 by date)

Member 14711713 29-May-24 1:48am View    
ImageList1.Images.Add(Image.FromFile(singleFile)) is the code I have used. The other was a mistake typed in. It still shows an error at Image.FromFile. I get the error message BC30456 'FromFile' is not a member of 'MediaTypeNames.Image' Looking at the excepted values I see graphic image types like Jpeg, Png, ... Click the error number I see, 'The member you have provided is not a member of the class. Error ID: BC30456' The text of the error does not seem to apply to this problem.
I don't see any typing errors. I don't know what else to tell you. I don't know how you could run it, but I cannot.

Edit: I got it to work. I could only guess it had to be a setting for I changed the program to .Net 8 from .Net 6 and it ran. Don't know if that was the problem but it works.
Member 14711713 12-Apr-23 21:19pm View    
oops, error. I got it to work
Member 14711713 12-Apr-23 19:09pm View    
Looks like I will have to use the split method to make this work. I was hoping to avoid that way of doing this, so messy.
Member 14711713 12-Apr-23 19:06pm View    
Didn't work for me. Still only changes the first instants of the problem.
Member 14711713 12-Apr-23 19:05pm View    
Wish I knew Regx, perhaps now is the time to start learning it.