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Comments by richardw48 (Top 6 by date)

richardw48 7-Mar-12 9:05am View    
It would help if you could include an extract of the code you're using to create the ActiveX object.
Also look here:
richardw48 6-Mar-12 12:05pm View    
Thanks for the summary. The references to Microsoft Active X 2.1 Object Library and Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library are 32bit dlls so will not work with Office 64bit even if you compile them into a 64bit dll or set as 'Any CPU'. The 64bit version of Microsoft Active X 2.1 Object Library is Microsoft Active X 6.0 Object Library. There is no 64 bit equivalent for Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. Depending on the functionality required you could try setting a reference to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Office14\ACEDAO.dll This will show as 'Microsoft Office 14.0 Access Database Engine Object' but it may no give you the required features. Where is the data being obtained from? An Access database, SQL Server or a different source?
richardw48 5-Mar-12 9:38am View    
Why did you have to download ACEDAO.dll? If you have MS Office on your computer then the dll can be found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\

I suspect you might have downloaded the wrong version of the dll. Try adding a reference to the dll in the above folder.

Please can you share some of your code so that we can see what you're trying to achieve?
richardw48 4-Mar-12 3:18am View    
I think you can use ACEDAO.DLL instead of "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" because the DAO36.DLL is not 64bit compatible
richardw48 4-Mar-12 3:08am View    
The .rdlc file contains the report definition in XML format, so in order to modify the order or visibility of the columns you will need to edit this file directly. Open the rdlc file in NotePad++ or any other XML editor to examine its structure. You can use the HIDDEN tag to hide a column and you can also define the fields and columns. It's not easy but it is possible.