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Comments by mateusz.matyaszek (Top 19 by date)

mateusz.matyaszek 24-Apr-12 9:36am View    
When I run original I get An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSource1'.
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.
mateusz.matyaszek 24-Apr-12 9:31am View    
My understanding of which path should be where is poor. I tried original paths that ware same in MyReportServerConnection and in ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl namely "http://localhost/ReportServer" but that doesn't work. Yes I did add localhost to Report Server Web Service URL's.

Other thing is that in the original there was:

setting name="ReportsPortal_WsReportService_ReportingService2005" serializeas="String">
/setting /"
(removed "<" tags as it doesn't show)
in applicationSettings. But its not used anywhere so what is the significance of it?
mateusz.matyaszek 27-Sep-11 9:44am View    
Am I dreaming or there is a window in VS that shows what Symbols are loaded
mateusz.matyaszek 27-Sep-11 8:41am View    
Tried that and no joy. Even tried adding pdb file location through Symbols but no joy either.
mateusz.matyaszek 27-Sep-11 8:27am View    
Yes it compiles fine