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Comments by Necron8 (Top 10 by date)

Necron8 13-Sep-13 4:48am View    
Minor modification to your query

the order by WinRation Desc and LMIT1 must be after the 't'

since the field is on the outer level of the query.

This isn't right though, since it gets each game played individually user (if i remove the limit)

Game Name userName gamesWon gamesPlayed winRatio
Monster Hunt John 0 1 0
Monster Hunt John 1 1 1
Fishing Kate 1 1 1
Fishing John 1 1 1
Fishing John 1 1 1

Thanks to all those who are helping
Necron8 12-Sep-13 10:58am View    
For the first query, I had to name the select as a different table name since I had to retrieve each and every user prediction won / lost, so one is solved. I have commented regarding the user stats above but couldn't get it to work. Can you help me and see the above comment? Thanks!
Necron8 12-Sep-13 10:54am View    
Hi there guys, solved the first query:

SELECT u.userID, u.userName, u.userImageUrl, l.leagueName ,
COUNT(g.gameId) AS predTotal,
(SELECT COUNT(gw.gameId) FROM games AS gw WHERE gw.gameResultOut = 1 AND gw.gameWon = 1) AND gw.gameUserID = u.user_id AS gamesWon,
(SELECT COUNT(gl.gameId) FROM games AS gl WHERE gl.gameResultOut = 1 AND gl.gameWon = 0) AND gl.gameUserID = u.user_id AS gamesLost,
FROM games AS g
LEFT JOIN league AS l ON l.leagueId = g.gameLeagueId
LEFT JOIN user AS u ON u.user_id = g.gameUserID
LEFT JOIN user_balance AS ub ON ub.userId = u.userID
WHERE l.leagueId = 4
GROUP BY u.userId
ORDER BY ub.balance DESC

I forgot to change the names of the select to get the unique user predictions won/lost count.

As regarding to statistics, I'm trying to get the following result but I'm getting gamesWon column undefined:

Trying to get a ratio for the number of games won per user:

(SELECT COUNT(gw.gameId) FROM games gw WHERE g.gameResultOut = 1 AND g.gameWon = 1 AND gw.gameUserID = u.user_id) AS gamesWon,
COUNT(g.gameId) AS gamesPlayed,
(gamesWon / gamesPlayed) AS winRatio
games g
INNER JOIN user u ON u.user_id = g.gameUserID
GROUP BY g.gameId, u.user_id
Necron8 2-Mar-12 14:41pm View    
I can't seem to make it work ;/

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'as 'Total Class Hours'), min(sa.studentName) as 'studentName', SUM(CASE WHEN sa.' at line 1

SELECT SUM(a.att_duration as 'TotalClassHours'), min(sa.studentName) as 'studentName', SUM(CASE WHEN sa.sa_type = 'P' THEN att_duration end) AS 'Total Hours Attended' FROM attendance AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN student_attendance AS sa ON sa.attendanceID = a.attID LEFT OUTER JOIN periods AS p ON p.perioID = a.attID LEFT OUTER JOIN students AS s on s.studentID = sa.studentID WHERE NOT sa.sa_type = 'N/A' AND a.att_courseID = '1' AND a.att_periodID = '8' GROUP BY sa.studentID

Do I need to change some of the tables in this query or? everything seems fine. I tried changing a.att_duration to attendance.attendance_duration and all the others but the same error occurs. What should I do? Sry for being such a noob at this ;/
Necron8 28-Feb-12 15:10pm View    
Currently, what I did was to make a while loop to get the Period Start Date and Period End date and also the dates between. From the while loop, I search the attendance and get the students associated to that attendance.

If I have 3 attendances on a certain date (ex 26/2/2012), the query gives you 3 sets of students.
What I want is one set of student with the lesson start/end and attendance as I described above.

How could this be done?