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Comments by slSoftware (Top 18 by date)

slSoftware 8-Apr-18 2:42am View    
well, if you think, you are a well experienced developer, what would you take action on above situation?
slSoftware 14-Oct-14 9:24am View    
ok let me explain more about my problem.

Here is the example from above link

var ViewModel = function() {
this.items = ko.observableArray([
{ id: "1", name: "apple"},
{ id: "2", name: "orange"},
{ id: "3", name: "banana"}

this.template = kendo.template('<div>#= name #</div>');

this.addItem = function() {
var num = this.items().length + 1;
this.items.push({ id: num, name: "new" + num});

How can i bind my object list (have to call via web api ) to this.items ?
slSoftware 14-Oct-14 9:13am View    
I have already checked that doc, but it is not giving good guide.
slSoftware 14-Oct-14 9:05am View    
we have used kendo with jquery in my previous project, i thought to use kendo with knockout as well. is kendo support with nested and inline edit grids with knockout? can you please send some example code please. Highly appreciate the quick response.
slSoftware 14-Oct-14 9:01am View    
Hi , Have you used knockout js with any grid controls (kendo, koGrid ..etc) ? or which way you used to show grids?