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Comments by Indrojeet_Bhattacharya (Top 33 by date)

Indrojeet_Bhattacharya 27-Dec-17 12:46pm View    
Thank you very.
Indrojeet_Bhattacharya 21-Sep-14 8:31am View    
thanks for the input but in the new form also i used the start position=maximized. Just now found something which I would like to share with you and you will not believe it. In my "troubled" mdi form I was using Font="Verdana, 11pt", moment I changed it back to "Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt" everything started working fine. A new learning in process. But anyways thank you very much for your contentious helpful inputs and of-course keeping patience with me. Thanks again.
Indrojeet_Bhattacharya 21-Sep-14 8:09am View    
Now there is a strange observation: created a new MDI form with exactly the same menu definition and settings and ho!! the child forms are behaving in a disciplined decent way. Totally amazed ... do you have any idea ?
Indrojeet_Bhattacharya 21-Sep-14 7:31am View    
please suggest me the code then.
Indrojeet_Bhattacharya 21-Sep-14 6:56am View    
I have modified the code as:
private void customersMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Masters.frmCustomer objCUST = new Masters.frmCustomer();

in MDI form and

private void frmCustomer_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmMAIN obj1 = new frmMAIN();
MdiParent = obj1;
WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

in Child form shown event

Now the child form is opening and then immediately closing.