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Comments by AspDotNetDev (Top 200 by date)

AspDotNetDev 1-Aug-15 22:32pm View    
That is exactly my problem, as I indicated.
AspDotNetDev 29-Jun-15 23:17pm View    
You could always look at Request.Url and compare that against the URL of each LI. Your selector might look something like: $("li > a[href=\"" + Request.Url + "\"]").parent(). Based on how you perform the linking, you may have to do some string manipulation and whatnot. And you might also consider a data attribute rather than the href to account for things like URL case (upper/lowercase might affect selector matching).

Though, if you are using a CMS or if you have some other way of identifying pages (in the case of products, a SKU might be effective), there are better ways of doing this.
AspDotNetDev 21-Sep-14 17:10pm View    
Reason for my vote of 1 \n This is a humorous anecdote, not a real tip/article.
AspDotNetDev 9-Mar-14 1:20am View    
So, that's a second issue... acquiring the data. I've tried this in the past and it's a pain, but there are sources out there, though none that are up to date and that you'd be able to use for free. Again, please update your question with exactly the obstacles you are encountering and any details regarding what you've tried or where you're stuck.
AspDotNetDev 9-Mar-14 1:17am View    
Could you update your question with some further info regarding what you've tried and some sample code? Basically, you'd have to split the sentence into words, lookup each word in the thesaurus, then use the replacement rather than the original word.