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Comments by Squire Dude (Top 13 by date)

Squire Dude 14-Jul-11 12:07pm View    
Sorry maybe I didn't explain myself very well.

I am building the app for myself to then sell. There are lots of ShareWare products but almost all are using the new Google Earth or Bing mapping for their display.

In the marine (nautical) world we use Raster or Vector charts(maps). All the charts (maps) are readily available for FREE from NOAA and other US agencies. And over the years their have been several good products that do the same thing. Over the last 4-5 years more of them are FREE also.

As for specking the project out. You are correct BUT I did not have this in the original project, I have added it at the end to create a richer experience. But if I can't find an example or sample or ShareWare version I can plug-in then I will go with my original scope.
Squire Dude 20-Apr-11 15:39pm View    
Thanks John,

So if I understand this is correctly... it is normal for the Ribbon to become hidden if you set a height/minHeight to the actual height of the Ribbon Menu. Even thought this was exactly what I wanted by design...

Not sure I understand the logic behind this thinking but then this Microsoft we are talking about!

So I will have to abandon the floating ToolBar method and re-think my use of the Ribbon Menu. And it was such a good idea too!
Squire Dude 17-Apr-11 16:49pm View    
I have tied to add my code to this thread but it does not show, as you can see below it only displayes small pieces of code not the whole thing!

Sorry you think I have an attitude...
Okay, lets try it your way...
Here is the code from the MainWindow XAML...

<r:ribbonwindow x:class="WpfRibbonApplication1.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:r="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonControlsLibrary" title="MainWindow" x:name="RibbonWindow" width="1024" height="768">

<grid x:name="LayoutRoot">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="*">

<r:ribbon x:name="Ribbon" height="137" verticalalignment="Top">
<r:ribbonapplicationmenu smallimagesource="/WpfRibbonApplication1;component/Images/YachtLog_Icon_Globe2.gif">
<r:ribbonapplicationmenuitem header="Print" x:name="mnuPrint" imagesource="/WpfRibbonApplication1;component/Images/Print-icon.png" click="mnuPrint_Click">
<r:ribbonapplicationmenuitem header="Help" x:name="mnuHelp" imagesource="/WpfRibbonApplication1;component/Images/Help.png" click="mnuHelp_Click">
<r:ribbonapplicationmenuitem header="Exit" x:name="mnuExit" imagesource="/WpfRibbonApplication1;component/Images/exit.png" click="mnuExit_Click">

<r:ribbontab x:name="tabLogs" header="Logs" visibility="Visible">
<r:ribbongroup x:name="grpNShipsLog">
<gradientstop color="Black" offset="0">
<gradientstop color="White" offset="1">
<gradientstop color="#FF38E538" offset="0.006">

<r:ribbonbutton x:name="btnSLSearch" largeimagesource="/WpfRibbonApplication1;component/Images/Ships_Log.gif" label="Ships" click="btnSLSearch_Click">
<r:ribbonbutton x:name="btnSLAdd" smallimagesource="/WpfRibbonApplication1;component/Images/Add-icon.png" label="Add">
<r:ribbonbutton x:name="btnSLEdit" smallimagesource="/WpfRibbonApplication1;component/Images/Edit1.jpg" label="Edit">

<r:ribbongroup x:name="grpNCaptLog">
<gradientstop color="Black" offset="0">
<gradientstop color="White" offset="1">
<gradientstop color="#FF38E538" offset="0.006">

<r:ribbonbutton x:name="btnCLSearch" largeimagesource="/WpfRibbonApplication1;component/Images/Capt_Log.ico" label="Captains" click="btnCLSearch_Click_1">
<r:ribbonbutton x:name="btnCLAdd">
Squire Dude 17-Apr-11 16:43pm View    
Sorry that you think I have an attitude...

Okay lets do it your way...
Here is the XAML code from the UserControl...

<usercontrol x:class="WpfRibbonApplication1.Controls.ucVesselDetail"
="" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:d="" mc:ignorable="d" d:designheight="516" d:designwidth="557" xmlns:my="clr-namespace:WpfRibbonApplication1.Controls" xmlns:my1="clr-namespace:WpfRibbonApplication1" loaded="UserControl_Loaded">
<my1:yachtlogpro_sqldataset x:key="yachtLogPro_SQLDataSet">
<collectionviewsource x:key="vesselDetails_VViewSource" source="{Binding Path=VesselDetails_V, Source={StaticResource yachtLogPro_SQLDataSet}}">

<grid height="508" datacontext="{Binding}">
<grid datacontext="{StaticResource vesselDetails_VViewSource}" margin="120,18,0,0" name="grid1" verticalalignment="Top">
<columndefinition width="Auto">
<columndefinition width="Auto">

<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">
<rowdefinition height="Auto">

<Label Content="Vessel Name:" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="3" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<combobox displaymemberpath="VesselName" grid.column="1" grid.row="0" height="23" horizontalalignment="Left" itemssource="{Binding}" margin="3" name="vesselNameComboBox" verticalalignment="Center" width="120">

<Label Content="Vessel Type:" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="3" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<textbox grid.column="1" grid.row="1" height="23" horizontalalignment="Left" margin="3" name="vesselTypeTextBox" text="{Binding Path=VesselType, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=true, NotifyOnValidationError=true}" verticalalignment="Center" width="120">
<Label Content="Power Sail:" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="3" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
<textbox grid.column="1" grid.row="2" height="23" horizontalalignment="Left" margin="3" name="powerSailTextBox" text="{Binding Path=PowerSail, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnExceptions=true, NotifyOnValidationError=true}" verticalalignment="Center" width="120">
<Label Content="V Registration Number:" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="3" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="3" VerticalAlignment="Cent
Squire Dude 17-Apr-11 14:29pm View    
Oh and none of the solutions suggested worked when placed on a UserContorl either! Sorry... extremely frustrating