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Comments by Dmitriy Gakh (Top 21 by date)

Dmitriy Gakh 9-Dec-19 1:15am View    
Yes. It is about robots. But a specialized literature magazine is better place because it has auditory who interested in sci-fi. The best way is to publish my story in the magazine, but here a technical article discussing possibilities of technical achievements described in the story would be seen attractive and useful.
Dmitriy Gakh 19-Oct-16 2:15am View    
Reason for my vote of 2 \n You study and state the problem from your personal narrow vision. I see a lot of problems relating to these:

1) Modern successful SW develppment processes involved many developers. Even system SW is written by many peple. And the SW is developed with vertical layered structure (source, preprocessor, static code analyser, compiler, tests, ...). In this complex environment close cooperation and common vision is essential.

2) Level of abstraction (OOP/OOD, patterns, best practices, ...) forms specific vision of developers. In many cases "goto" can break the picture and contradict with rules that work for SW development methodologies.

3) The text that you have been published cannot be considered as an article because it does not refer to literature and work of other people. It is a big flaw and root of many "downvotes". You shoud form this as an question named for example as "Why goto has so bad reputation".

As a conclusion - the article is too smal and does not consider influence of SW development methodologies, OOP/OOD, patterns, best practices, e.t.c.
Dmitriy Gakh 7-Jun-16 8:14am View    
Conversion operators - see my solution and reference below. If you will stuck, I can help you because I have big experience with conversion operators.
Dmitriy Gakh 7-Jun-16 8:11am View    
I improved the solution stating copying instances, not classes.
Dmitriy Gakh 7-Jun-16 8:08am View    
This solution is the best indeed because it points to Class/Instance mistake and based on interface that is best from architectural point of view (the best practice).