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Comments by Jürgen Röhr (Top 4 by date)

Jürgen Röhr 25-Sep-11 12:38pm View    
you didn't provide any information, that is suited to give you a better advice than: check the mikes, speakers, cables and power.

maybe you can elaborate a bit on what your program does (how are the voices transferred), and what you've found out about the working and the not working computers.
Jürgen Röhr 22-Sep-11 3:15am View    
Nice and clean, but still room for improvement. There's no need for checking every "marker" (the "reset"-line). You only need to check prime numbers.

while (!sieveContainer.Get(++marker));
factor = marker;

or with Linq
factor = marker = Enumerable.Range(marker + 1, candidate).First(prime => sieveContainer.Get(prime));

Reduces the time needed to about 1/3 (candidate = 100000000, 15sec vs. 5sec)
Jürgen Röhr 28-Jul-11 2:15am View    
Reason for my vote of 1
What is this about? Is it about creating a CustomControl? Then I think it is bad, because you have to create a new class for every button with a different text or different image. You missed to show something like TemplateBinding, ContentPresenter and exposing some 'new' properties (e.g. the images source) to justify creating a new class. In fact, I think, using the "add custom control"-command in Visual Studio does most of the things you did manually and yields more to learn about this topic.
Or is it about simple creation of a button with more than just text in it? Then a really simple solution is: take your Grid and add it as Content to a standard button.
Jürgen Röhr 30-May-10 13:49pm View    
To be precise: of course, you can overwrite any property, you want. But your code has not much to do, with what you intended, because the Button is just not as simple as you expected it to be (and this is true for other controls as well). To proove it, just take an unmodified Button and set it's background to something nasty (say: orange). Did you expect what you see?

To gain a better understanding, it's a good idea to follow John Simmons proposal; then you have the complete template and can modify it as you need. As an example: the buttons 'backing' consists of a Rectangle in a Border in a Grid in a Border; and each plays a role in animating the different states...