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Comments by Bodan_ (Top 12 by date)

Bodan_ 3-Feb-11 2:38am View    
Hi All,

Is there anything else I need to provide to resolve this issue. Please let me know if you have got any solution for this. Thank you.

Bodan_ 21-Jan-11 0:17am View    
Hi Ashish, Could you please elaborate this approach? Do I need to use Global.asax Application_start event. I'm sorry I didn't get the solution. Request your assistance on the same. Thanks a lot for your reply.
P.S: strUserId is string only and it is unique.
Bodan_ 21-Jan-11 0:16am View    
I've tried this approach before but it is not fullfilling my requirement. I need the already existing sessions on the server and check if the user currently gicving his Uesr_Id is present there or not. In the above example it is not doing like that. Thanks for your reply. Please let me know if you have anything else in your mind.
Bodan_ 20-Jan-11 8:33am View    
Thanks Dylan for your reply. I do using and also aware of Membership, but here I can not use memebership as the application ia already developed with manual login page and the functionalities are also developed depending on the login page. Please let me know if there is anything else in your mind except membership. Thank you.
Bodan_ 22-Sep-10 5:32am View    
Hi Sandeep,

I know the above one is not an answer I've posted that as an answer because the code is not getting saved as a comment and I need to show the code to imdadhusen in order to get a solution. My sincere apologies if it causes any inconvenience.
