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Comments by nm.nagaraju (Top 26 by date)

nm.nagaraju 5-Nov-13 8:38am View    
combobox does not have property like SelectionMode in wpf.
nm.nagaraju 17-Oct-13 8:50am View    
Hi I tried what you said, but getting below exception

Property not found
Parameter name: pageofpage

How can i implement INotifypropertyChanged.
nm.nagaraju 17-Oct-13 7:26am View    
Hi, How can i assign some text to a label on a button click.

The below is my code

<Label Name="lblCurrentPage" Width="98" Content="{Binding Path=PageOfPage}"></Label>
private string pageofpage;
public string PageOfPage
get { return pageofpage; }
pageofpage = value;


under some method am assigning text as below

pageofpage = "Page '" + SearchFilter.PageIndex + "' of '" + totalNumberOfPages + "'";
nm.nagaraju 17-Oct-13 6:29am View    
Window_Loaded event fires when the form loads only, But i want to change the text for every button click.
nm.nagaraju 17-Oct-13 6:05am View    
Hi, I am doing this in mvvm pattern. There is no events in mvvm pattern.