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Comments by Zubair Alie (Top 73 by date)

Zubair Alie 24-Aug-15 6:11am View    
You can attach an event with each combo box handled in a common callback.
cmbx.SelectedIndexChanged += cmbx_SelectedIndexChanged;
void cmbx_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var cmbxId = ((ComboBox)sender).Name;

If it's not helpful then please elaborate your requirement more.
Zubair Alie 22-Aug-15 6:15am View    
I will write an article on it later on. for now i have created a sample for you. go and download from following URL.!1152&authkey=!AITvcciqL5Tvgis&ithint=file%2crar
Zubair Alie 22-Aug-15 5:11am View    
let me write a sample for you. will share in a while
Zubair Alie 22-Aug-15 5:10am View    
have you added the parameter in your method as well?
public static void DeleteItem(string value)
//method body.
Zubair Alie 22-Aug-15 3:54am View    
Is there any user specific configuration? i.e. the network or any directory path?
Exception tells that you are giving invalid path on which there is no service or page is hosted to listen the request.