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Comments by msk kumar (Top 4 by date)

msk kumar 26-Apr-12 5:55am View    
Nice Link,
msk kumar 16-Feb-12 1:54am View    
Hi Mark
I need to update two entities(tables), enatityname and entityname1 also
in entityname entity
xx.intrr = xx.intrr + intss
xx.intaa = xx.intaa - intpp
this want to update

in entityname1 entity also want to update the following two fields
yy.intxx = yy.xx + intyy
yy.inttt = yy.inttt - intss
Here the field yy.inttt is only not updating (stay remains the same value in the DB)
but yy.inttxx is updating fine

i think it is clear now
thank you
msk kumar 3-Nov-11 8:07am View    
Thank you for your support Khan mohd faizan

i did the same thing just now but still its not working(Not firing)
msk kumar 5-Aug-11 7:56am View    
Hi Abhinav,

Thanks for your reply...
i have changed the write permission with GoDaddy server for the particular folder where i want to upload my files...

My question is the above code is working fine when we run in localhost...
but in case when we run in website it throws this error...

so i hope you understand what i am saying...
so could you give some suggestions...

Thanks in Advance