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Comments by Thomas.TangLin (Top 3 by date)

Thomas.TangLin 10-Jan-13 2:48am View    
first you should recorded the data when visitor visit you aspx page,and then you can use script as:

select visitor_id ,count(1) from table group by vistitor_id order by date desc;

Advanced: if you want to think over Performance ,will think other way。
Thomas.TangLin 18-May-11 4:22am View    
So sorry for so later reply.

yes ,you can save it in xml file, but I don't think is better than save it in shared preferences.

actually, "shared preferences" will create xml file also.

if you have to save in xml file,you can use DOM4J 、jdom...
Thomas.TangLin 22-Feb-11 20:30pm View    
thanks yours suggestion.
I'm English poor.