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Comments by w1sph (Top 10 by date)

w1sph 11-Oct-16 7:12am View    
snippets posted :)
w1sph 3-May-16 0:59am View    
Anybody? :(
w1sph 3-Jan-15 2:57am View    
it would help if you could post; result of SoapMessage.Length here.
Also as Sergey said; the server side could be the problem too. could you post the server code here too?
w1sph 2-Dec-13 9:06am View    
When the form starts, inc = -1..
change that to 0
w1sph 2-Dec-13 7:25am View    
Private Sub NavigateRecords()
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT*FROM CONTACTS", con)
Dim dt As New DataTable

If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
txtAgentNumber.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(1)
txtFirstName.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(2)
txtMiddleName.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(3)
txtSurName.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(4)
cboGender.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(5)
txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(6)
txtPhone.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(7)
txtEmail.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(8)
txtNotes.Text = dt.Rows(inc).Item(9)
Dim bytes As [Byte]() = dt.Rows(inc).Item(10)
Dim ms As New MemoryStream(bytes)
picPhoto.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
End If
End Sub