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Comments by RadXPictures (Top 34 by date)

RadXPictures 11-Jul-13 17:37pm View    
Thanks. But, for some reason, if I put that line into my .cpp, I can no longer access it from my other forms. It's the header file that makes it global, right? Because you have to use #include to gain access to the namespaces, classes, and functions in the cpp file.
RadXPictures 11-Jul-13 17:35pm View    
Well, all I'm trying to do is be able to execute a function in MainWindow from NewForm, and following the approach MainWindow *mw = qobject_cast<mainwindow*>(this->parentWidget()->parentWidget()) didn't seem to work for me. NewForm is a widget, so I figured I would declare a global variable and assign my open MainWindow to it before the widget is printed to the screen. What other option do I have?
RadXPictures 27-Jun-13 17:15pm View    
Omg thank you! I had never heard of white-space before (third link) and after placing that in html {} brackets, it works! Thanks!
RadXPictures 27-Jun-13 17:03pm View    
Umm.. those two lines just appeared vertically..
RadXPictures 24-Jun-13 15:18pm View    
When I try debugging I get a "debugger not set up" error. Any idea?