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Comments by Member 7513082 (Top 19 by date)

Member 7513082 27-Jun-24 10:45am View    
If i upgrade the .net framework of the application from 3.5 to higher version will the mail communication to the server work. Mail sending was working earlier. We set the enable ssl true as the initial fix but now getting the above exception.
Member 7513082 13-Feb-24 8:33am View    
if I fetch control id value using document.getElementById('<%=ddlBankType.ClientID %>').value in aspx content page it works . but if i try to access the same control same way in JS file it gives null exception. if i hardcode the control id value as below in external js it works
How can get the control id value in external js file without hardcoding via javascript
Member 7513082 13-Feb-24 8:03am View    
Issue is client side itself
with below
document.getElementById('ctl00_cphDDS_ddlBankType').value; it works in JS file
but with this document.getElementById('<%=ddlBankType.ClientID %>').value i get null exception in JS file
Member 7513082 10-Feb-23 8:58am View    
I am showing the exception from the log itself. In my code already i have set the option to read the inner exception and exception with stack trace. Exception that I got is posted also.
Member 7513082 10-Feb-23 5:56am View    
I have updated the code and while deploying to 2019 server i am getting above error. Core Code also is shared. Cannot check via debugger in the server.