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Comments by Mayur Gujrathiii (Top 23 by date)

Mayur Gujrathiii 31-May-11 6:35am View    
your R&D over?
Mayur Gujrathiii 26-May-11 5:59am View    
no not like that i want to fire radiobutton checked change event asynchronously as we can do it with the use of update panel but i want to do same with the help of javascript (xmlhttprequest)
Hope you got it now
Mayur Gujrathiii 25-May-11 9:16am View    
your back up created successfully
Mayur Gujrathiii 25-May-11 8:37am View    
backup databse DatabaseName to disk='c:\temp\DatabaseName.bak'
Mayur Gujrathiii 13-May-11 2:02am View    
i am not getting
i have done as follows on checked change event
and i have also calling one javascript on checked changed

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="SELECT">
<asp:CheckBox ID="check" runat="server" OnCheckedChanged="check_CheckedChanged" ToolTip ="javascript:ViewSIGN();" AutoPostBack="true" Visible="true">

Protected Sub check_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

myds = DirectCast(ViewState("dsdata"), DataSet)

Dim chkbox As CheckBox = CType(sender, CheckBox)
Dim Grow As GridViewRow = CType(chkbox.NamingContainer, GridViewRow)

btnauthorise.Enabled = True
btnreject.Enabled = True

If (chkbox.Checked = True) Then

btnauthorise.Enabled = True
btnreject.Enabled = True
strCureentRowIndex = Grow.RowIndex
hdrowno.Value = strCureentRowIndex
reqslipno = myds.Tables(0).Rows(strCureentRowIndex)(1).ToString()
Boid = myds.Tables(0).Rows(strCureentRowIndex)(3).ToString()
imag.Visible = True
Image2.Visible = True
imag.ImageUrl = myds.Tables(0).Rows(strCureentRowIndex).Item("imagepath")
Image2.ImageUrl = hdimage2.Value
End If

End Sub
