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Comments by Vivek Shankar (Top 30 by date)

Vivek Shankar 26-Feb-14 3:42am View    
Yes done, Its not showing any error while debugging, Only while publishing it is showing error.
Below is my code and am using it for error log.
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs on application startup
if (!System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists("ERSite"))
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource("ERSite", "ErrorLog");

void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs
Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();
if (ex != null)
ErrorLog el = new ErrorLog();


Vivek Shankar 26-Feb-14 3:35am View    
It will build n it'll run successfully, when i try to publish it is showing the error, its showing any line no or any source.
Vivek Shankar 8-Jul-12 23:43pm View    
example like facebook,

Vivek Shankar 13-Jan-12 6:20am View    
Select Distinct spare_list.code, spare_list.Name,indentitems.qty "Quantity", (Select IFNULL(sum(QtyAvailable), 0) from SparesQty where SparesQty.Code = spare_list.Number) as 'On Hand', ABS((Select IFNULL(sum(QtyAvailable), 0) from SparesQty where SparesQty.Code = spare_list.Number)-(select indentitems.qty from indentitems left join indent on indentitems.code=indent.itemcode where indentitems.indent=16 and indent.status=1)) as "Quantity Required"from (spare_list left join SparesQty on SparesQty.Code = spare_list.Number) Left join (indentitems left join indent on indentitems.code=indent.itemcode) on spare_list.code = indentitems.code where indentitems.indent=16 and indent.status=1 Group by spare_list.Code order by spare_list.Code
Vivek Shankar 13-Jan-12 6:18am View    
Select Distinct spare_list.code, spare_list.Name,indentitems.qty "Quantity", (Select IFNULL(sum(QtyAvailable), 0) from SparesQty where SparesQty.Code = spare_list.Number) as 'On Hand', ABS((Select IFNULL(sum(QtyAvailable), 0) from SparesQty where SparesQty.Code = spare_list.Number)-(select indentitems.qty from indentitems left join indent on indentitems.code=indent.itemcode where indentitems.indent=16 and indent.status=1)) as "Quantity Required"from (spare_list left join SparesQty on SparesQty.Code = spare_list.Number) Left join (indentitems left join indent on indentitems.code=indent.itemcode) on spare_list.code = indentitems.code where indentitems.indent=16 and indent.status=1 Group by spare_list.Code order by spare_list.Code