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Comments by vivekx2 (Top 47 by date)

vivekx2 20-Mar-13 0:32am View    
Thank you for your support.I will try this now. Is there any other solution kindly provide to me.
vivekx2 23-Jul-12 9:48am View    
Thanks for your support...But i need same action control like updatepanel which accepts fileuploader....
vivekx2 21-Jul-12 7:52am View    
<asp:updatepanel id="up" runat="server" updatemode="conditional">


my codings tag....I have my codings inside gridview...The button in gridview is not firing
vivekx2 21-Jul-12 7:49am View    
my sample coding tag is
<asp:updatepanel id="up" runat="server" updatemode="conditional">

<ajax:tabcontainer id="aja">
vivekx2 21-Jul-12 7:45am View    
When i am adding triggers it shows "button2" is not trigger in updatepanel "updatepanel1"

But button2 id is given inside the updatepanel.