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Comments by Boothalingam (Top 13 by date)

Boothalingam 19-Dec-13 6:56am View    
function PriOnClientDropDownClosing(sender, eventArgs) {
try {
var Pri = document.getElementById("Pri");
Pri.onclick = StopPropagation;
var PricomboBoxClicked = $find("<%= cbxPrimary.ClientID %>");
if (PricomboBoxClicked.get_text() != "" && PricomboBoxClicked.get_value() != "") {
$find("<%= ajxpnlSec.ClientID %>").ajaxRequest();
catch (err) {
Boothalingam 16-Dec-13 5:08am View    
Separate Control: <uc1:MultipleSelectionCtrl ID="FundingOfficeCtrl" runat="server" />
Setting width From Codebehind:

Public Property TextBoxWidth() As Unit
Return txtSelection.Width
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Unit)
txtSelection.Width = value
'Dim Width As Double = Convert.ToDouble(value)
'txtSelection.Width = Unit.Percentage(Width)
End Set
End Property
Boothalingam 7-Dec-13 6:07am View    
Thanks ...I got it
Boothalingam 7-Dec-13 1:08am View    
I want to Fire Ajaxrequest event in radcombobox itemchecked event
Boothalingam 6-Dec-13 7:31am View    
1.i'm having a sql table with millions of records
2.when i'm sending a sql query with where condition to the sql table thousands of records are getting(sql query can be changed simultaneously).
3.Now i want to send that record to excel sheet.
4.All the Above Steps can be done with the help of SSIS package in Visual Studio 2008
how to do the above steps programatically